Chapter Three

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"Bells"I screamed, "Whats up popcorn head?" Bella turned around and her cheeks where a dusty red from the embarrassing statement. She looked like the same old Bella, but with a better fashion sense than before. I charge her and give her a hug. The last time I saw Bella was nearing two years ago. She visited Renee six months ago but I was traveling with dad to a baseball game out of state. She said it was a spur of the moment trip that her and Edward took. I have never meet Edward in person. I heard him in the background a few times. As odd as it is to say, his voice sounds like wind-chimes. Renee said that he was very handsome and very polite. 

She joked that there must be a hole in the ozone above his head from all the product he must put in his hair. Only now I realize how right she was. Pulling out from the hug.  Bella stood beside a guy that looked like a movie star. 'How in the world did Bella pull someone like that? She's pretty and all but this is just crazy.' I thought to my self. Edwards mouth pulled from bored look to a gentle smile. I put out my hand, "Hi, i'm Cara, Bella step-sister. You must be Edward." He gently took my hand and  shook it carefully. His smile was like a thousand diamonds. He was tall compared to my impressive 5'10. Withdrawing my hand from his voice whispers in the air like high tone wind-chimes. "Its nice to meet you Cara. Bella has told me a lot about you. Though I am curious about 'Popcorn Head'. Is there a story behind the name?" 

Looking at Bella I gasp. "Bella, you haven't told him how we meet." Bella pleads with me through her eyes not to say anything which I blandly ignore. Edward gathers my bags and we walk to the door. " I meet Bella at a baseball game in Arizona. I was watching the game as Bella and Renee came down to sit beside me. Bella tripped half-way up the stairs spilling most of her popcorn. When they finally got to the row she tripped again causing the rest of the popcorn to fly everywhere. We had so much popcorn in our hair I nicknamed her popcorn head."

 Edward let out a roar of laughter catching Bells and I off guard. Bella was so surprised she tripped on the sidewalk. Edward helped her gain her balance again and laugh even louder. Bella, now red faced again turned to Edward. "It isn't that funny." Edward bringing his composure back, chuckled and simply stated. " The mental image is hilarious." Bella frowned and Looked to me and huffed out "I thought was agreed to not discuss it openly." I grinned "Well he is going to know eventually Bells, he's family now." 

We walk over to Bella new car. I whistle, " Bella I thought you told me you had a tank of a truck. The Guardian isn't even sold in America yet. How in the world did you get a new Mercedes?" Bella looked at Edward expectingly. "I gave it to Bella as an early wedding present. Her truck was on its last leg, but my sister Rosalie fixed it up for you to use since you will be here for a while." I smiled widely at Edward. " Thank you Edward, you and your family are extremely nice allowing me to stay with you and now letting me use the truck, thank you. Bellas wedding present is amazing too. You must be thrilled Bella." 

Looking to Bella, she had a slight frown. "Yeah, it was very nice. I miss my truck though." We all got in the car, Edward driving. I giggled at Bella."Hey, You know this car is tank proof, right." Bella shot her gaze to Edward and glared. "Edward...?" He looked back at me "Oh no..." knowing he had been caught.             

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