Chapter Seventeen

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Walking down the stairs to the living room I smiled. Aro beside me looking dazed still. Marcus gave us quite a show. Aro was embarrassed at first but soon realized that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. We all are mates. As soon as he realized this he was able to enjoy. 

I would be lying if I said I didn't think it was going fast, but I know I can talk to them. After Aros venture we all laid together, just enjoying each other. Realizing what he did, Aro started to drift away but was pulled back in by Marcus kissing him on the lips. Caius and I where both shocked. Aro didn't seem to mind though. 

Continuing down the stairs, we were met with many pairs of staring eyes. Bella was nowhere to be seen. 

Emmett turned to me quickly and smirked. " You know the only room in the house that isn't sound proof is your room, right?"

Understanding what he meant, Aro panicked. No longer beside me. Marcus sighed. "I'll go talk to him." 

Marcus disappeared. Rosalie went over to Emmett and smacked him. " You weren't suppose to tell them you idiot." 

With Marcus nor Aro around Caius started to tremble. Understanding the reason, I pulled him to a sofa in a hidden corner of the living room. Getting the notion, everyone dispersed. 

Caius and I both lay length ways on the sofa holding each other. 

"How do you feel Caius?" I ask while playing with his hair. 

"I am horrified. I am the king that everyone fears and now I can't leave my brother side without acting like this. I don't know who I am anymore." Caius said sadly. 

Running my fingers through his hair. " Maybe all that anger was a front. I saw how you looked when Marcus said the none of you felt romantically about each other, was that a lie?"

Looking deep in thought Caius explained. "I was originally from Rome. As a young soldier I started feeling attraction for the men around me. I was baffled to this because I also liked girls. I took my concerns to the elder of my family and was told it was an abomination and to never speak or act on it. I was turned the next week in battle by Marcus. I was left to die on the battle field and he found me. You have a sire's bond in place by who turns you. My bond with his is strong, and that has affected me. I see Marcus in a different way than he sees me. I always have." Caius cuddles me close. 

A voice sounds off behind me. "Caius is this true?" 

Caius jumped out of my arms. Marcus walked toward him. Feeling trapped he pinned his back to the wall, looking around like a wild animal.

Aro came over to me and took Caius's spot. Shocked by Caius's confession, but still recovering from his embarrassment. We silently watched the two. 

"Why did you never tell me?" Marcus asks softly. 

"What would you have said? Would you have left your wife? I thought it better to leave things the way they were." Caius defends. 

"But after she died Caius. Why not then?" Marcus questioned.

Caius paused.  Marcus approached slowly. Touching Caius's lovingly he brought a kiss to his lips.

Breaking the kiss but their foreheads still touching. "Why not love?"

Tears gathered in his eyes, breaking my heart. "Because I am not good enough." He said so quietly that I almost missed it. 

Aro and I shot up to comfort him but was halted by Marcus. Who motioned for us to sit back down.

"Caius, all these years. All that anger. It was because of this?" Caius nodded. "That boy I watched all those years ago. Looking around scared just wanting to go home. That little boy turned into this. Now that you have me, us. This is you, that shy little boy from all those years ago, was just hiding behind anger?"

Caius was convulsing by this point. Sobs left him. All that anger was gone, and all that was left was a scared boy. His hands reached for Marcus but retracted at the fear of rejection. Marcus stood there in shock of this discovery. Coming to his senses, he grabbed the shaking boy and pulled him into his chest.   

"You should have told me. Not as your brother, but as your sire. Thats what we are for. To help our fledglings. I sired both you and Aro. You where suppose to come to me for things like that." Marcus turned to Aro. "Aro, you have saw into his mind multiple times. Why didn't you tell me of his struggle?" 

Aro stiffened beside me. Turning his head down. Holding his hand I ask. "Aro...?"

"It wasn't only his struggle Marcus." Aro's voice held emotion. 

Marcus went blank. He didn't move, speak, or even breathe. All at once he erupted. "Why did no one ever tell me! You both could have told me. We have been miserable since the wives have died, a thousand years ago! This could have happened all those years ago. Why did you think I turned either one of you. I felt the same!" 

Everyone froze. The sound of broken glass echoed through the house. The loud conversation obviously reached the ears of our hosts. 

Caius and Aro gapped and turned to each other. They all had formed a love triangle without even knowing, and the three men standing in front of me had just figured out.                

"Aro? How about your story?" I ask slowly. 

Aro finds a seat beside me, Caius chooses an armchair, and Marcus turns to look out the window. 

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