Chapter Four

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The ride from Seattle to Forks went quick. Bella and I caught up while I was getting to know Edward. I could already see his personalty creeping through as he became more relaxed around me. I could tell he was an old soul just like Bella. He was defensive at first but slowly started to let me in. Looking over the greenery and mountains of Washington I felt more at home. I always preferred the more secluded life. The hustle of the city wasn't for me. I preferred to be easy going. I honestly was thinking of moving to forks with Bella when she left two years ago but I didn't want to leave Dad and Renee alone.

The winding road to Forks made my wish I had choose to live here. I hated the thought of going back to Florida after the wedding. I decided to take a gap semester so I could figure out what to do with my life. On one hand I wanted to stay with my Dad to make sure he was happy, but on the other hand I wanted the life I saw before me as we rolled into the small town. People were walking around and greeting each other and going on with their day. Older women gathered outside a dinner gossiping to each other. This is the life I want. In the city people are always in a hurry and never take time to enjoy life. I have a choice to make and I plan to think about it while visiting Bella.

I love toward the front of the car and catch Edward looking at me. Almost as if he silently understood me. I turn my gaze to the outside world again as I ponder my life. The tree close in around the road again as we approach Edwards house. We turn off into a drive way I didn't even see, scaring me a little. The drive took a while as we went farther in the woods. The views on the way up were amazing. A small running creek ran in the distance. I thought I caught a glimpse of an animal running on the other side but I lost it in the trees. In the opening ahead ahead a magnificent house appeared.

The house was amazing. The outside was almost completely covered in glass. A stair case in the middle of the house ran from the top to the downstairs area. A garage looked to be adjacent to the house with six garage doors. The house was a beautiful addition to the landscape around it. "Wow Edward, your house is beautiful." Getting out of the car Edward opened my door and then headed for Bellas. " My adopted mother loves to design houses for fun. She designed and ran construction for this house while we were living in Alaska."

Going to get my bags from the trunk an hand appears. I jump back only to see another gorgeous man. " Hello, I'm Jasper." The boy was around 6'1 and had shaggy dirty blond hair. He had medium build and a posture anyone would kill for. "Oh.. Hi, I'm Cara nice to meet you." I say shyly. A flash of dark-brown hair poked up from behind Jasper. "ALICE?" I yelled as I circled around jasper to hug the girl that I had been video chatting with for a few months. She had easily became my best friend over the past few months. "Cara it is nice to finally see you in person after all of this time. I already have your space set up. We have a lot to talk about the wedding."

Alice turned to Jasper and smiled. "Cara, this is Jasper. He is my boyfriend and is also adopted by Carlisle and Esme." I nodded to Jasper thinking, 'She is dating her adopted brother? Thats a little strange but the look happy together. It isn't right to judge another people for loving who they love.' Edward sheepishly smiles at me. "Lets go inside so you can meet the rest of the family."

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