Chapter Thirteen

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Very confused about the situation I found myself in, I look to a smiling Carlisle.

"Cara, these are your mates. You already know about vampires, but not mates. A mate is a couple, or in your case a group of people that share a bond with each other. You have three mates. Marcus, Aro, and Caius." Carlisle says while pointing to each of the men. "We have never seen a mating bond like this before. I have been researching and I can confidently say there has never been a bond change Marcus."

Marcus still looking at all of us cuddled together, rubs his face. "I wonder what type of mating bond is shared between my brothers and I. The original bond did not break, but grew stronger and morphed into more Carlisle." 

Aro and Caius start to move around and try to get up. They must be embarrassed for acting like this in front of Carlisle. Marcus looks back to them and fusses at them for moving. "Get back in nest and stay there. You have both been through a lot and need to rest." His tone sent shivers down my spine. Aro and Caius both complied and sat back don't. It was obvious who was in charge. 

Carlisle looked to all of us and then gaped at Marcus. "You have the dominate bond. I thought Aro would be the dominate one." 

Aros lip poked out and looked away embarrassed. I grabbed his hand, not liking that his feeling where hurt. 

"I'm Cara." I say quietly. 

All eyes shot to me. Aro eyes lifted to met mine. "Aro." He said in a whisper.

Not wanting to left out, the blond said "Caius."  

Marcus walks over and runs a finger down my cheek and then to both Aro and Caius.

"The reaction is different Carlisle. There is attraction between Cara and I, but none when it comes to Aro or Caius. I noticed when the bonds formed that the familial bond stayed the same, but also became rapped with the mating bond." 

Carlisle leans back in his chair. "Marcus, I think we are looking at this all wrong."

"How so?" 

"It honestly makes perfect sense. Sharing a mate would cause jealousy between the sharing parties. What if the mating bond is one like an imprint. Shifters are mated in a way that we haven't seen in vampires. They are there for their mate in any means necessary. Whether a brother, protecter, or romantic partner." Carlisle paused to think. "You are the dominate over the mating bond. How did Aro and Caius react to you after the bond occurred?"

Marcus was baffled. "They clung to me and wouldn't let go, even on the flight. It is odd how they no longer need to be near me when around Cara."

Carlisle started to write in a book. "Marcus I believe the bond is able to shift to the prevalent need between all of you." 

"That has never been heard of before. I do believe that it might be the answer." Marcus paused, "They only thing I am confused on is why I am the dominate in the relationship. Aro has always lead us. Will that change or will being the dominate only apply to the relationship?" 

"Once a dominate is picked in a relationship, it often trickles down into everything the couple is involved in. I believe that leadership positions will change." Aro grumbled but kept quiet  when Marcus shot him a look. "To the reason why you are the dominate. I think it is because of your ability to see bonds. You will be able to notice when one of them is upset or in pain. This makes you able to fix any issues. The dominate role will fit you nicely." 

Aro did not take that well. Marcus noticed this too. "Carlisle, I need to tend to them. We will continue this talk later. Thank you for your help and hospitality." 

"Any time old friend." Carlisle quickly left the room and closed the door. 

Marcus walked over to the nest and took off his shoes and slipped between Aro and I. He pulled Aro to his side, "Aro, my brother; talk to me."

Aro huffed, "Marcus, I don't like this. I have never felt any attraction to either of you before or now. This is absurd. How are we suppose to go on?"

"We will go on as before. I will admit that this is an odd situation. Physical attraction may never show Aro. You heard Carlisle. We might forever stay brothers or we may not. This relationship is our private business. We will carry on and deal with the changes when , and if they come." Marcus looked to Caius who had stayed quiet throughout the whole ordeal. 

"I think that wi will be fine. This is very different and I do not know how I feel. I am willing to give it a try." 

Marcus looked to me. "I know that this is all new to you but don't worry."

I looked around and gazed at the three amazingly hot men. 

'Three penises all to myself.' I think to myself and grin. 

I smile at the men."I don't know about you guys but I am starving." 

Sorry Guys, I couldn't help myself. Forgive me😄.           

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