Chapter Fifteen

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Rolling over in the bed I throw my arm over my pillow and snuggling it close. It's hard like structure confused me. Hugging on it, I heard a rumbling. It vibrated and caused my body to hum. Not opening my eyes I felt it up. I reached the top and my hand hit a very distinctive nose. Pulling away and opening my eyes I see a smiling Aro. Taking my hand away from his nose, I smile at him. The others were not in sight. We were 

"Mia Cara." Aro greeted. His red eyes was like the richest rubies. His hands rub my arms and he looks deep in my eyes. I throw my leg over his waist and straddle him. 

"Aro." I lean in and our lips meet. His lips were hard but soft at the same time. Stars fluttered in front of my eyes as our lips moved together. I grind my hips down and gasp. His hips started to thrust up and meet mine. Only taking small breaths of air we continued. His hands became more adventurous, moving down to my hips and starting to venture down between my thighs. 

I venture my lips to his neck, slowly kissing and sucking on the diamond like flesh. Aro's purrs turned into low growls of pleasure. My stomach rubbed against something hard. Looking down to see a very large tent forming in his pants. 

I have never done anything sexual with anyone. Starting to get nervous I look up into his eyes. He pulls me back up and kisses me softly. 

"You can stop this at any second. I expect nothing from you. What you have given me already is gift enough." He gently smiles at me. 

Is reassuring words drive me to continue. His kindness and love insured me that I would not be judged. Following my previous path down, and going even farther. I tug at his shirt and he takes it off. 

The sight before me made me throb. God himself must have came down and carved the man before me. His muscles bulged just the right amount. Not too much or too little. I couldn't have gotten any luckier.

Moving father down his body, I made sure to pay attention to each muscle that I came across. Peppering kisses and leaving non-existing love bites all over him. 

I finally came to his pant line. Removing the belt, I turn my attention to sliding his pants off his hips. After placing them to the side I remove my top. Aros hands automatically went to my breasts, muttering in Italian. My hands move to my waist line. I slowly pull my sweats off. I keep my head down, embarrassed. 

Aros hand slides up to my chin. Capturing my eyes with his. "Beautiful." 

Thats all it took. We began grinding and touching each other. My hot core begged for him. Grinding my hips down on his bulge. The sounds coming from us could turn a Nun red. 

At this exact moment the door was threw open and Emmett barged in with the two missing mates in tow. The smirk that decorated his face was gone in an instant.

"Oh my god, Cara. My eyes. My eyes!" Emmett screamed and ran at a speed I couldn't see. 

The two men that stood in the doorway smirked. "Aro, we only left ten minutes ago. You couldn't wait till we returned." Caius said.

I shrieked and slid off Aro and hid under the covers. 

"Brother, you are simply jealous. She and I were simply enjoying each other in a more intimate way." Aros smirk was auditable.

I heard Marcus speak next. "This is going faster than I thought it would." I heard foot steps approach the bed. The cover that was over my head was pulled back so that my face could be seen. "I guess now would be the best time to discuss our relationship, huh Mia Cara."                  


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