Chapter Two

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A gentle hand shakes my shoulder pulls me from my gentle slumber. Peaking my eyes open I see the kind gentleman beside me. The skin around his eyes wrinkle as he smiles at me, "Ma'am, sorry to wake you but we are about to land in Seattle." As I stretch my arms I smile back. "Thank you Sir. I would hate to be left on the plane by mistake. You are very kind." A yawn falls in behind my statement as he gently laughs. "You slept the entire flight to Washington. Almost six hours." I cringe at the thought of the sounds I must have made. "I am so sorry, I hope my snoring wasn't too loud."

I glanced around the cabin of the airplane. The people in the neighboring seats glanced at me with hateful expressions. A woman in the adjacent row was pulling wax earplug from her ears. She was the only person to look the least bit happy within three rows in any direction. " Wish I could say you didn't but that would be a significant lie Ma'am." He chuckled " At one point I thought you were going to bring the plane down with snoring. You didn't bother me though. My dear Mary was just as bad or worse than you. I found that wax earplugs work the best. I had a pack on me today and shared with the nice woman across from us." He explained.

Mortified I looked around even more. The flight left Florida at eleven o'clock last night and it was almost eight thirty now. The people in the cabin had bags under their eyes from the lack of sleep. " Why didn't anyone wake me? I would have stayed awake to let others sleep."  He cackled, "Ma'am, many people tried to wake you up. You wouldn't budge. At three o'clock this morning we hit a bad patch of turbulence and you didn't even move, by then everyone gave up and left you to sleep." 

Putting my head down I explained. " I'm sorry about that. I get the snoring from my father. My father and I could sleep through a Hurricane and not wake up. " The older man smiled widely, " I can believe it, we are about to land now. The pilot came on and said so about fifteen minutes ago." Stowing my pull out tray I thank him and keep my head down avoiding the hateful stares. 

The Flashing seat belt sign came on and the over head speaker came on. "Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen. It is currently 8:39 AM in Seattle Washington. It is overcast with temperature of 71 degrees. It was a pleasure to fly with all of you today. Please wait until the flight attendants tell you to disembark." Everyone let out a kind of groan of relief to the pilots message.

The flight attendant came into the cabin to direct us. I saw the very visible bags under her eyes. I winced thinking how loud I had been. Not even a smile graced her face as we disembarked from the plane. Sounds of relief flooded my ears as we went through the tunnel. I over heard a man talking to his wife. " That was worse than being on a plane with a baby. At least they are quiet once asleep." I waved to the kind old man as we parted ways. I hunkered my head was a went past a group of my plane-mates. Still shooting glares my way I walk to the lounge of the airport where I see my best friend, Bella.     

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