Chapter Seven

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Pulling back in the Cullens driveway, I saw two new cars. Remembering that Esme said that her husband was pulled into work and that two others went shopping, I guessed they belonged to the others. 

"Hey Bells, do you think that you could spend the night with me. I'm still a bit nervous about staying here. We could have a big sleep over with Alice." I said hoping she would agree. 

Pulling a bag from the back seat she smiled. "Already covered. I already talked to Charlie and he said to have fun. He is planning to go on a fishing trip tomorrow morning anyway." 

We walked inside the door and Alice automatically was by our side. "You girls ready for tonight. I already picked out your Jammies Cara. Esme is making dinner for you two. It will be ready in a few minutes." 

Alice pulls us to the second floor where there were two people I haven't met yet. The first was a bear of a man playing video games with Jasper and Edward. He looked to be 6'3 and had the build of a Grizzly Bear. He had muscles the size of Popeye the sailor man. Although he was big and burley he seemed to have the maturity of a three year old. He pouted as Jasper won a match of Mario Carts, demanding a rematch. 

The other was a beautiful golden haired model. She was light on her feet as she helped Esme in the kitchen. Her attitude was one of being self-centered. She held her head high, but you could tell under her facade she felt inferior and inadequate. The self-loathing she felt for herself was broadcasted and projected on those around her that she felt were in someway superior to her.     

The big guy caught me in his eye and bounded up from his seat and made his way over to me. "Hey squirt, I'm Emmett. You must be Cara."

Laughing at his child-like manner I put out my hand. "Hello Emmett, yes I'm Cara. I saw you playing video games with Jasper and Edward. You any good?" I smirked.

He had a devious look on his face as he pulled me over to the console. Ripping the controller out of Edwards hand and giving it to me. Edward pouted as he was forcefully pulled from his rematch with Jasper. Emmett unplugged Jaspers controller and stopped the game right before Jasper won again. Jasper annoyed, got up and went to Alice to pout. 

Emmett pulled up the character list and picked Donkey Kong. 'Typical'I thought and I heard Edward cover a laugh with a cough. I picked Luigi, as always. 

Emmett scrolled through the maps and picked Rainbow bridge. I smiled as I knew I had this in the bag. 

"You sure about going against me Squirt? I'll go easy on you if you want."  Emmett chucked as the lights where turning. As soon as I saw green I took off. Emmett made the mistake of pressing the gas too early, making him spend for five seconds. He angrily huffed and finally stared, well behind me. What Emmett didn't know was that I memorized every ghoul, bomb, and illusion in the whole game. I spent hours upon hours playing with dad as we traveled for baseball, it was the one thing we always brought to hotels as we traveled. Years and years of practice brought me to this one moment, to beat Edwards brother. 

As I dodged every obstacle Emmett only grew farther behind. I loved letting bananas go. Emmett's strategy was to stay in the middle of the lane.  This was obviously his downfall. I always but bananas in the middle but he never caught on. With every slip he only grew madder. The huffing sounds that came out of him were exactly like a Bull. As I approached the finish line I got lighting. At the last moment possible I shocked Emmett as he pulled close behind me. By me stopping so he could catch up obviously. As the lighting through him off the rainbow bridge, the remote sailed through the air going through one of Esme's expensive looking vases and through the wall where it left a hole in the sheetrock in the shape of a controller. I heard Esme gasp over my shoulder. Turning to find a furious looking Esme and a frizzled looking Rosalie. 

Rosalie did something shocking that everyone in the room that knew her made them stare in awe. She laughed. The sound of chiming church bells filled the living room. Emmett no longer angry, looked at her in shock. 

Rosalie smiled as she greeted the girl." Hello Cara, I'm Rosalie. But you can call me Rose. It's nice to met you. Alice has been talking non-stop about you. I heard that you, Alice and Bella where planning on having a sleep over. Might I join? I would love to get to know you." 

Everyone still in shock around me, didn't make a peep. "Sure Rose, It's nice to meet you too. And of course you can join. I love your outfit by the way."

Rose smiled at me and grabbed my arm and lead me to the kitchen. Esme hot on our tracks, pointed us to the table where Bella and I sat down. 

"Are you guys not going to eat?" I asked, noticing that no one sat down with us. 

Rose answered. "We are all on a strict eating schedule. We all eat throughout the day at different times. It's because of dietary issues."  

I could tell they were lying to me but I let it go knowing the truth would soon appear. 

Bella and I ate amazing Italian pasta. Esme was hands down an amazing cook. I look forward to  eating on this trip. 

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