Chapter Eight

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As soon as Bella and I were done eating Alice appeared. Bella wandered over to Edward. The boys went back to playing Mario Cart. Edward and Jasper were battling and it looked like Edward was going to be the winner. 

Jasper hopped up, "Cheater!" 

Emmett roared with laughter as someone finally beat Jasper. "Serves you right. Now move over, Mr. Mind Reader and I tango next."

Alice pulled me up from the table. "You still haven't met Carlisle, he's up in his office. We are going up to introduce you."

I glanced up the stairs, "Are you sure Alice, he must be busy if he is in his office." 

Alice pulled me to the stairs. "He told me to bring you up when you were finished eating." 

As we walked up the stairs I saw something very interesting. A collage hung on the wall. It was made up of five rows of graduation caps. The caps where multiple different colors. It was a was a very odd piece of art. 

"Alice, what is the story behind the caps?" I asked as she pulled me through the halls. 

Alice paused mid-step. "Oh, thats a bit of an inside family joke. You'll know the answer soon."

My suspicion grew as she avoided the question. Details I was picking up on were slowly piecing together. I but my suspicions went away as we approached a large Oak door. Alice knocked and a small, "Come In" was spoken.

Entering the office, I was met with a Bookworms dream. Bookshelves ceiling to floor covered three walls. The fourth was windowed with a view of the creek that ran in the woods. It was all very beautiful but didn't hold a torch compared to the man that sat behind the desk. 

A blond haired man that could only be compared to Adonis, stood proudly from his desk and smiled. He had broad shoulders and was around 6'1. He let off a paternal vibe that made me miss my own father. 

"Hello Dr.Cullen, sorry about barging in. Alice wanted me to met you. Thank you for letting me stay with you." I stutter out. 

He just smiled kindly at me and put out his hand. "Its nice to finally met you Cara, you can call me Carlisle. Alice has taken quite the liking to you. You are always welcome to stay. I saw you looking at my book collection, do you read?"

I smiled at him, "I love to read, its one of my favorite pass times. I  would always take a book with me to my fathers games. I also love to paint." 

Carlisle gestured to the books. "You are welcome to come in anytime and read my books. None of the other kids care to read. It will be nice to have someone to discuss books with."

"I hope we read the same material then. I love the classics, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and Mark Twain." 

Carlisle smile grew wider. "Those are some of my favorites. I can tell that we will get along beautifully. Do you have any other Hobbies?"

"I also love to paint, it really calms me down after a stressful day. I have always loved tending to gardens, but I prefer flowers. I use to collect flowers with my mother as a child. We would keep them in a garden in the backyard." I smiled as I recalled all the memories of going 'Flower Hunting' with my mother. 

Carlisle looked distant as he thought. "I have a friend from long ago that also loves Botany. I remember that he would go on long trips to far places to collect plants. His brothers always thought him strange for traveling for simple flowers. He introduced my wife, Esme to the hobby also. She has an extensive collection she can show you."

Alice coughed and looked knowingly and Carlisle. "Cara, It's been a long day for you. And I also know that Rosalie is practically pacing while waiting for me to bring you back so we can start the sleep over."

Carlisle's eyebrows pulled together. "Rosalie.... sleep over?" He asked very confused. 

Alice snickered, "Rose has taken a great liking to Cara here. She asked to be included in the sleepover," 

Carlisle looked even more confused. I guess that Rose wasn't usually the sleepover type from their reactions. 

"Well that is... nice. You girls have fun. And Cara, you are welcome here anytime."

Alice turned us around and headed to the door. Above the door was a painting. Three men stood center and Carlisle stood to the side. I took in the faces of the obviously Italian men. I stood still as a tugging pulled at my chest. I grabbed my chest. Carlisle seeing this came quickly to my aid.

The first of the men had raven hair and a crooked smile that sent shudders down my body. He stood with confidence and boldness. He was obviously the leader. He stood in the center and dominated the painting. His being oozed royalty and demanded respect. 

The second man was the opposite of the first. Sadness covered his entire being. He hands seemed to be reach for someone who wasn't there. His sadness radiated from the painting and stabbed me in the heart. I wanted to jump through the painting to comfort the man. 

The third man had a striking appearance. His blond, almost white hair stood stark opposite against his appearance. He looked as if he had fought a thousand wars and won them all. He looked off a balcony at the outside world, looking down on it all. His eyes held so much anger, but that wasn't off putting. It was only a front to cover his true personality. I wanted to join them in the painting, and gather them all up in my arms. 

Alice was shaking me as Carlisle was saying my name. I broke out of whatever trance I was in and looked to Alice.

"I must have been more tired than I thought. Maybe we should just head to the room to start the sleepover. Thank you for warm welcome Carlisle." I said gathering myself.

Looking concerned Carlisle lead out of the room. I took one last glance of the painting, wondering why I was so affected by it. Once we crossed the threshold Alice pulled us into the bedroom. Edward and Bella already where sitting on Alices bed. 

"Edward, this was suppose to be a girls only night." Alice fussed when she saw he made a makeshift bed in the corner by the foot of the bed.

"It wasn't my idea." He said.

Thunderous footsteps hit the floor sounding like a herd of elephants. Emmet appeared in the doorway with a pile of pillows under both arms. Rose followed with a stack of extra blankets. 

"Who's ready to party." Emmett roared out.                     

Alice shook her head at him but grinned as Jasper's head popped in the room, wanting to join in on the fun. 

"Come on in Jasper, theres room for everyone." I said.

Jasper tried to step over Emmett wrestling Edward, but he was pulled down into the play fight. They rolled around on the floor making pillows and blankets go everywhere. A pillow busted open and feathers went flying. 

"What in the world happen in here." Esme gasped.

The boys stopped rolling around and Emmett coughed feathers up. Rose looked like a snow queen with all the feathers that adorned her hair. Alice pointed at the boys and Bella and I laughed. 

Carlisle peaked his head in the room and laughed at the scene before him. "I thought this was a girls night?"

"Well it started off as one." Alice muttered. 

"Its time to settle down guys." Esme said as she pulled the door shut. 

"How about we watch a movie." I suggest.

"I know, how about The Croods!" Emmett yelled. 

"Okay, The Croods it is." I say. 

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