Chapter Ten (In Italy)

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POV- Marcus

I sit in my throne along side my brothers. Trials today consisted of a young man who exposed himself in public, and a couple that feed in the walls of the city. They where given a second chance because they where never taught the rules. Felix and Demetri where sent out to collect their Sire. Aro was contacting various local covens trying to find them a home. Cauis and I sat in our thrones reading while waiting for the guard to bring the criminal back. 

"Brothers, Amun from the Egyptian coven is willing to bring in Emily and Nixon. They will teach them and except them in their coven." 

Caius nods to Aro and returns to his book. 

The doors burst open, Demetri and Felix pull a kicking male in. "Masters, Elon Vaster as you asked." Felix held the male in place. He was holding his ear with on hand and the male with the other. Aro saw this and directed two lower guards to take over for Felix. Aro removed Felix's hand and observed his detached ear. 

"Thank you Felix, you may be relived for the day. You too Demetri."

They both nodded and excused themselves from the throne room. We three all are bothered by the fact that a guard was injured. We cared for our coven greatly. We may be the leaders, but they are family. Other covens think us heartless and non-caring. We may be strict, but that is only because we carry a great burden. We rule our kind with a strict and forceful hand so we are all safe. 

"Elon, you have been up to no good. We have already met with the two you recently turned. You left Newborns to wonder on their own. You know the rules. Your neglect caused them to feed in Volterra, our home. You have brought unneeded attention to the city. Have you any cause for this?" 

Aro grabbed his hand and looked through his memories. 

"You are truly a vile creature. Over feeding, causing unnecessary death. Killing even children and pregnant women. I see only one option. You have broke the law. Death."

"Death." Caius ruled. 

Aro reached for my hand gently. 'Death' I mentally ruled. 

Clasping his hands Aro announced "All are in agreeance."

The guards lingering around the sides of the throne room came to congregate around the evil man. A torch was lit and the man was pulled apart. The smell of fire filled the room as the vampire bruned. Aro returned to his throne and picked up his book. We all began to reading and quiet fell upon the castle. 

A swirling of golden ribbons pulled my attention away from my book. A feeling of delight filled me. The colors were burning brighter. I turned to my brothers and the golden ribbons were also admitting from their chest. The pleasurable filling turned to pain quickly. Aro and Caius slumped in pain, crying out. The pain was radiating throughout us all. 

The guard was quick to surround us. They check for any intruder, not finding a visible problem they look to Aro. Unable to collect himself, he simply lays on his throne gasping for un-needed air. Caius in a similar state. 

I stand. I felt this pain every day, I had grown accustom to the pain. But this is a new pain. It is sharper than any Mating Pull I have felt from my dear Didyme. My brothers have never felt a true mating bond. They have both had mates but they have parted ways many years ago. 

I walk to my soul brothers and pull them close. Being soul brothers is a special bond. The once purple bonds that connected us three had become intertwined with the golden ribbon. Once soul brothers, now a mated bond connected us all. The fourth strand reached far from the castle. but still burned bright. 

My brothers curled to my side, feeling relief from the pain. They looked up at me confused. both tried to pull away, causing a sharp pain to run through all us. Automatically pulling together again to stop the pain.

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