Chapter Twenty

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After being helped up from the ground the sky opened on us. The beams of sun glistened of the dew on the trees. It was the first time the sun showed its self for the first time. The normal for forks was overcast with a constant misting of rain. The sun coming out seemed like a small miracle. 

Turning to my three companions I was in utter at the sight before me. The beams of light that escaped the clouds sown down on the three men. Light refracted off of them like they were diamonds. It almost had a dangerous feel to it, but even more so I was drawn to it. They didn't notice me staring at them. Their head's were tilted to the warm sunlight. They basked in the light. Every orifice that escaped their clothing. 

"It has been years since I have ventured out into the sun." Caius admitted. 

"Why?" I ask still watching the sight before me.

"Because of the reflections it throws off of our skin. We never have the chance to get out of the line of prying eyes. On the rare occasion that we do leave we have to wear cloaks so we do not draw attention to ourselves. We have to follow the rules just like everyone else." Caius explains.

We start walking about the garden. Aro seemed fond of it the most, observing each flower with wonder and respect. He gently cups a flower in his hands and examines it more closely. I remember the conversation about a friend he had that loves botany. Now it occurs to me that the three men with me are the brothers he was talking about. 

"What are the rules you have?" I ask.

Aro picks up for Caius who had ventured to a fountain the the center of the garden, admiring the craftsmanship. " We have a few simple rules in our society. The first being to not expose ourselves to humans. Whether by the sun, great feats of strength, or feeding precariously." 

"How about me, I know about all of you now, so does Bella." I ask. 

"The only exception to this rule is to turn the one that our existence is revealed too. Bella is Edwards mate. You are ours. Our kind find their mate usually when one of them is human. So Bella and you will be turned just like Esme was turned for Carlisle and Emmett for Rosalie." Marcus steps in. 

Nodding my head, the obvious question comes to mind. "When will I be turned?" 

This causes all three men too stiffen. Aro looks too Marcus for an explanation. Caius follows suit. " Cara, sense we are the ruling figures over our kind we are held to a higher standard. If we fail to do this, our authority will be called into question."

"So I am assuming that means soon?" I ask shakily. 

Noticing this Marcus comes to comfort me. Pulling me in his arms. "Not to worry love. The good doctor has be experimenting with more humane options to turn someone. He recently made a discovery that makes the transition more comfortable."

Taking a deep breath I calm myself and allow myself to melt into his arms. "Who will do it?" I mutter out while my face is in his chest.

Marcus looks to the others that slowly nod in agreeance with him. " I will. I share the sire bond to Aro and Caius. Since I am the Dominate in the relationship I will turn you. It makes the bond we each have the same. The relationship will flow better."

Understanding his reasoning, I nod. "What are the other rules?" I try to change the conversation. 

Caius continues this time. "To turn a child is punishable by death to the creator and creation."

The thought turns my stomach. "Who would turn a child?" I question.

"A female vampire cannot bare children, but the instinct still remains. Many use to fall to this abomination. It isn't common we see this anymore. It is normal now for vampires to form Covens. Take the Cullens for example. Carlisle is the head of the group along his side is his mate, Esme. They make up a family structure from there. The rest are like children to them. This is very common now. Almost every coven is now structured like this." 

"Is it how yours is?" 

Aro chuckles. "Not many see us as a family unit, but many of our guard have become like family. Felix and Demetri act like brothers and Alec and Jane are biological twins. I see them as family."  

Marcus continues. "There is a rule about not hunting within the walls of Volterra, our home."

"What is it like there?"

"It is a beautiful city. We do not venture out much. The castle is among one of the largest in Italy. We have libraries, gardens, art rooms." Aro described. 

"The guards recently made a game room with an adjoining theatre. Along with a indoor swimming pool." Marcus added. 

Caius came to my side and we continued to walk the path. 

"So how is this going to work?" I ask.

Marcus arcs a brow. " I assume you mean about your role along side us?" Pausing, waiting  for my conformation with I give. "You will be turned here under the watchful eye of Carlisle to make sure everything is carried out correct. We will return to Volterra shortly after. You need to be acclimated to your new home as a newborn. It is important that this happen quickly after you change. The nesting faze with begin quickly after you awaken."

"What is nesting?" I asked confused.

"It is a period of time that usually that happens after a mated couple is introduced or a mate is newly turned."  Marcus continues. "After you are settled we will introduce you into your role in the court. You are meant to rule along side us." 

Caius interrupts. "I was wondering, where will we put her throne? One of us will have to go without her."

Aro pipes up. "That is a good question. It will be a difficult decision." 

"Our thrones where place according to hierarchy. I don't believe we should continue with it. I was thinking we could place her between you and Aro. I am fine as long as I am beside one of you. You and Aro are not. You will need to be by her. But the thing is that you need to be beside me Caius, so Aro will have to move." 

Aro starts designing in his head. " So it would be Marcus, Caius, Cara, then me. I so no harm in that. It will be interesting to redesign the area, it has grown outdated. What do you think Cara?"

Confused about the whole situation. "I guess it's fine, but why do you have thrones?" 

"Its more of a power play dear. We most often sit at the adjacent study when we do not have court. We mostly just check in on covens and update our information on how many is in a coven and other factors." Aro explains. 

I shrug as I take in all the information. We start to head in the house as the sun sinks low in the sky. Starting to get hungry, I led them to the living area and continue on to the kitchen. Esme stood over the oven, no doubt making supper for me. As I finish the meal she made me I thank her and head back into the living room. Emmett pops around the corner and smirks. Remembering the challenge I agreed to I wince. That only makes his smile go wider. 

"Are you ready to lose?" He says playfully. 

"In your dreams." I boast.        



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