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"On the first of June, around 9:30p.m., you entered the school pool. Marina was there. You had an increasingly heated argument... until you picked up the trophy, and hit her in the back of the head with it. She didn't die instantly, which means you left her there, bleeding to death. This is what we believe to happen, and, more importantly, what the judge believes happened. Do you have anything to say in your defence?"


"Hola, guapa!" Mila walked past Christian and winked at his comment

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"Hola, guapa!" Mila walked past Christian and winked at his comment. Mila took a sip from her cup and saw Marco walking towards her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her closer to him. "You look gorgeous, as always." Mila kissed him on the cheek and smiled "I'll be back."

Mila left Marco and walked towards Marina. She grabbed her arm and they walked towards the hallway. Marina stopped Mila from speaking "Before you say anything. This is my last night here. I'm running away with Nano. I'm pregnant." Mila's eyes widened "Marina! You can't just leave." Marina looked upset "Lo siento. I can't stay here anymore." Mila embraced Marina in a long awaited hug and they both began to cry.

Marina pulled away and wiped a tear from Mila's face. "I love you. You are one of the strongest people I know" Marina turned away and walked back into the party.

Mila stood on her own for a few seconds, in need to proses her best friends words.


"For one of the students in the penultimate year, this trophy not only means the satisfaction of a job well done, but also a scholarship to study at our high school in Florida. From there, you can go on to an Ivy League college. The winner is... Marina Nunier." Mila clapped her hands and saw Marina's confused face as she walked slowly to the stage.

She took the microphone and began to talk "Hi, thank you for the award, but I think someone else deserves it more. I don't really have much to be proud of this year, so I wanted to take this opportunity to apologise. Sorry for all the damage I may have caused. For letting down those I love the most. And the person who's made me feel so much in a short time. I tried to stop it all. I tried to be a good daughter, a good friend, and a good sister. I tried to live up to your feelings, Samuel. I wish we had our time machine to go back and start from scratch. But I was myself. Stubborn, unafraid of danger, and always getting in trouble. I'm sorry."


Mila took a sip out of her drink and saw Lu who looked oddly calm. She walked over to Lu and frowned "Don't you give a fuck about the trophy?" Lu shrugged "Giving a fuck doesn't really go with my outfit" Mila nodded and saw and inspector walk into the party. She made her way up the stairs and took the microphone "your attention please. May I have your attention? I need you to leave the room in an orderly fashion. There's been an incident. I repeat, in an orderly fashion. Mila looked confused and caught up with Marco who stood a few steps in front of her. "What's going on?" Marco shook his head "No idea." They both left the party confused. They had no idea what was about to happen.

Mila's dress:

Mila's dress:

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