24 - Broken

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Narrator's POV

Two days had gone by since the fight at Evelyn's and neither her nor Aiden had made a move to reach out to one another. Evelyn didn't know what to think after Cole and Lindsay's statements, and she didn't feel ready to speak with him just yet. She was glad she didn't have to go back to school just yet, as she played it sick the night before so she stayed in.  Aiden on the other hand was in a haze. Lindsay's threats were getting more and more consistent regarding Evelyn and problems were starting to arise. Aiden knew what he had to do, but couldn't bring himself to do it. He had no other option though. 

His feelings for Evelyn weren't backing down, Lindsay's presence only making it more clear to him. But she wasn't stupid, she knew he wasn't attracted to her like she was to him and he had to make sure she didn't get more suspicious about Evelyn. He knew he had to create some space between them, if they got closer things would turn bad sooner than soon with Lindsay still in the picture. 

'Does she even have feelings for me like I do for her?' Aiden wondered, frustration taking over him. He thought he knew her so well, yet he couldn't read her. First she kisses him- but she was drunk- then she denies any liking to him -but shows otherwise- then fights Lindsay -but it's Lindsay it would've happened- and now... now what?

Evelyn on the other hand was bothered by something else. She was sure she only saw Aiden as a friend so why was his relationship such a nuisanse for her? She hated herself for kissing him that day, even if she was drunk, and enjoying it too. No. She doesn't see him this way. He's a friend. Always has been. They wouldn't be able to survive in a relationship anyway, they would clash. 

It was the one day Michelle was gome and the atmosphere was weird around in the Hayes' home. Evelyn, Jason, Cole and Michelle were all in the kitchen eating breakfast as a family. Jason was overjoyed, the tmes when he got to spend time with his mum being fewer than few, so he cherished the moment. There was an obvious tension between Evelyn and Cole, neither of them had echanged a word after the fight as Evelyn was rarely around him, being either out of the house or inside her room.  The irony was prominent, Cole putting on his best act to seem like the best son, the prodigy of a child, while Evelyn was not amused with the climate of the table.

Her mum had barely been home, by choice so, therefore there was nothing to be glad about as she knew the next time they were all together wouldn't come soon. Next door, Αiden found himself in a different situation, one he was rather thankful to be in. For once, after a long time, he slept at home, and when he woke up he was greeted by a warm welcome from his mom who wasn't expecting to find him in the morning. 

Breakfast had been set in the table, and the two took their time talking to each other, Catherine over the moon, as she finally got to feel close to her son. Aiden felt the same, he didn't enjoy this lifestyle anymore, and he wished he could stay with his mom more often instead of having to sleep at Lindsay's. He felt so powerless in this situation, under other circumstances there was no way he'd allow this dymanic to continue.

"How come you didn't sleep at Lindsay's house last night, hon? Not that I don't want you here, of course, just being curious." Catherine asked, taking a bite of her pancake. She didn't like Lindsay one bit and the feeling was mutual, as much as Lindsay tried to hide it to get her to like her. 

"She was going to sleep at her dad's" he quickly replied, taking a sip of water. "You hardly bring her here" she noticed and Aiden laughed "I don't bring her here because you don't like her" Catherine laughed as well  "That's not true... I just haven't gotten to know her as well as I'd like" she explained herself. Taking his silence as an answer, she continued "Regardless, as long as you're happy, I don't have a say" Aiden nodded, his eyes not meeting her same coloured ones. He knew he wasn't happy and he knew she could tell. His eyes never lit up when he spoke about her, he never smiled at the mention of her name and overall he didn't seem in love.

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