39 - Princess

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Evelyn's POV

"Evelyn?!" he whisper-yelled. I was gripping on the wall so tight my hands were hurting, and I was begging of them to not start sweating now because I was done for if that were to happen. "Why the fuck did you get there?" he asked, frantically looking around and behind him. 

"Does it matter? Now do something before I fall". I made the mistake to look behind me, something that only made things worse for me, as I was now panicking even more. "Stop that, stop looking down" Aiden was pulling on his hair, trying to figure out something, the fact that I was frozen and unable to move completely just made things even harder. 

"Babe, what are you still doing there?" Lindsay's voice was heard coming from the living room and our eyes locked, wide. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. "Say something before she comes back!" I whispered. "I- uh, I think I lost my contact lens." he said and I frowned. "Do you even wear contacts?" I asked, trying to unlock that part in my memories. "No, dumbass, I just had to say something" he said. 

"Need help?" she asked, sounding more bored than ever. "No need, I'll be there in five" he told her and very quietly closed the door behind him to prevent her from hearing us talking. "Okay, focus, I'm right here, I need you to walk towards me very slowly." he said. "Are you nuts?! I'm not moving from here." I said, and I meant it. I wanted to move, but my legs were basically numb from fear. 

"Are you seriously going to make me come there and get you?" he said, leaning on the window. "Fine, I'll do it" I said, closing my eyes and letting him guide me closer. "Am I there yet?" I asked. Please say yes. "You're barely moving, Eve, so unless you don't start actually walking, it'll take a while." 

I hit my head against the wall in front of me. "I'm trying, okay?" I whisper-yelled at him and he fought back laughter. "Okay, you know what, instead of sitting there and judging me, you could actually try and help" I suggested. "Alright" he agreed and before I knew it he had also climbed to where I was -not that there was need for much climbing, I was a wuss-, even though there was barely enough room for the both of us to be there.

"How did this help?" I asked, a stoic expression on my face. "Well, now that I'm here, I can get you down" he said and extended his arm towards me. I put my own in his, skeptical as I knew Aiden wasn't the one to trust in risky situations. His calmness only did the opposite than calm me. 

"Stop worrying, it'll be fine" he said and pulled me closer "I'm not worrying you dumbass, I'm just being-". I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence, as my foot slipped from the small space, making me trip to the side. A screech came out of my mouth, but Aiden quickly stopped it, putting a hand over my mouth, and another hand around my waist, pulling me back on track, and right on him. 

I put my hands on his shoulders for leverage, his hand still on my mouth. "We need to do something about that mouth of yours, love, getting us in trouble all the time". His voice was about an octave lower than usual, and I was glad the lower portion of my face was covered, because my cheeks were getting dangerously heated once again. 

"I'm sorry" I muttered under his hand, making him remove it. He smirked, putting both his hands around my waist and pulling me flash against him. His hands went to my hair, and he put a strand behind my ear, playing with it. 

"I guess I'll just have to find more ways to keep you quiet" he said and before I could react his lips were on mine. A chunk of my hair got caught in hs hand and he used it to tilt my head where he wanted it, so that he could deepen the kiss. I broke away before things could escalate, we were still on the verge of falling, and Lindsay was just a few feet away. 

"You should get inside" I spoke first, our faces still inches apart. "I probably should..." he said, and I finished the sentence for him "But you don't want to" I spoke confidently for once, this time knowing it was the truth. He simply shook his head before letting go of my waist and jumping to the ground. "Are you crazy?" I whisper-yelled at him, but he just chuckled. "I'm alive, aren't I? Now jump so I can catch you" 

He said and i wanted to burst out laughing. Who did he think he was talking to, I was stuck there for then minutes because  I was too scared to move, and he thinks ill jump?

Almost as if he could read my mind, he said "If you stay there for much longer, Lindsay will come looking for me and drag you back inside. There's nowhere else to go, princess" He tried to convince me.

The minute I heard the nickname come out of his lips, I wanted to feel him near me again, pushing away the little voice in my head that reminded me he was going straight back to his girlfriend after this. 

He doesn't love her, I assured myself. He's still sleeping with her though, I thought, getting lost in my head. "Evelyn?" he brought me out of my trance. Without giving it too much thought, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and jumped, silently praying that I wouldn't break any limbs.  

I waited to feel the pain from touching the ground, but it never came. Instead, I was enveloped by a specific scent, as I reached his arms. I opened my eyes slowly and looked up at him. "See? That wasn't so bad, now, was it?" he said and I nodded, as he pressed a small kiss on my forehead. "I'd love to take you home like this but I really need to get inside before she realizes I'm gone" he said, and I hopped off his arms quickly, his words completely changing my mood once again. 

I nodded, silently. "You probably should" I said, my tone cold. "Call me?" he said and walked closer so that he could hug me, but I avoided it by turning on my feet and walking away. "Sure" I replied, and he frowned, a sigh leaving his lips. I could feel his eyes lingering on me as I walked away but I didn't turn around. Seconds later I heard the sounds of him climbing back upstairs. 

I reached my front door, looking for my keys, before realizing I had left my things at Aiden's house. Shit. I looked through the window and saw the tv playing, so I guessed Cole was inside. Cole. Random parts of last night's conversation with Aiden came to mind, and this time I couldn't ignore them. I felt so incredibly disgusted and betrayed by how easily he manipulated me and mom as if it was nothing. 

I found myself ringing the doorbell before I could overanalyze it. I didn't give a damn about what he would say to me when he opened the door, he held no power over me anymore. All respect I had for him was gone. My only worry at that point was how I'd get him to speak to me and confess the things Lindsay made him do. 

The door opened, and a seemingly upset Cole stood in front of me. "You found the way home? Shocker. Did the criminal bore you?" he said, his arms crossed against his chest. My insides were fuming when the word 'criminal' reached my ears. I couldn't believe how much of a hypocrite he was, lying to me straight to my face and still pretending he was the good guy. 

I knew I probably shouldn't make assumptions before I knew his side of the story, and I really wanted to give him the chance to explain himself but the fact that he still chose to lie to make himself look good and make fun of me while doing so, only made me angrier. 

"Save it, Cole. I'm not in the mood" I simply said, stepping next to him and walking inside without another word. I was heading straight for my room when I heard him mutter "Right, you're only in the mood when the person you're talking to wants to fuck you, I forgot" I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes squinting and my face falling open. 

"I can't believe you" I said, turning around to look at him. "How dare you speak to me like this? Who do you think you are, Cole? I'm done with you acting like you're all high and mighty and judging my every move. You're no better than me, don't forget that" I spat out, anger radiating through me. 

"I'm no better than you? Look who you're falling for, Evelyn! At least Jade isn't a fuck up like he is." 

"That's exactly why she dumped you. She's no fuck up" I said, storming out of the room before he could say another word. I opened the door and locked it behind me, the last thing I wanted was for him to come in here and continue with the charade. 

I looked ahead of me, my eyes falling on the room across from mine. I shook my head and quickly went over to the window, closing the drapes. I pulled my phone from my back pocket and set it on the table, turning it off, before falling straight to my bed. 


And she's back from the dead everyone 

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