22 - The truth

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"Can you hear me? Miss Hayes, can you feel my hands?"

A distant sound came from the nurse's lips to my ears as I struggled to stay awake in the chair I was sitting, examined by miss Daisy, trying to process the fact that moments ago I was on the floor getting my ass beat. I suddenly felt something wet and cold touching the sides of my neck and then wrists.

"That should help" it did. I realized it was water that was applied to me, and the cold sensation made me open my half-shut eyes. "There she is" miss Daisy smiled. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged my shoulders "How should I be feeling?" I asked "for your height, weight, and record... a verge before death. I promise you're going to be just fine though" she smiled reassuringly.

After a few more minutes of her asking me yes or no questions -as I couldn't master to say much more-, I was free to go, but not before I got hit with a sentence capable to wake me up for good.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Mr. Thomson wants you in his office. Nothing to worry about, I'm sure everything will be fine. Besides, your brother is here"

I was glad I wasn't holding anything because I surely would've dropped it. Cole was here? In the back of my mind I hoped, prayed, wished for it to be Jason but the logical part of my brain knew it wasn't him. I stood up and walked towards the office door, after reassuring the nurse I was capable of walking to the office on my own.

The walk towards the office felt shorten than ever and I dreaded the moment I'd have to walk through that door. Sooner than appreciated I was outside the door, and I could hear my brother's voice

"You call my sister a bitch once more time and I swear it's not gonna end well for you" my brother's voice could be heard.

"Mr. Hayes please don't drop the bar" 

"Bring it on, I'm not scared to make your face blue too!" her  voice was heard after, ignoring the principal entirely.

I knocked on the door, realizing it was a good time to cut their conversation short. I heard my principal's voice and let myself inside, facing my attacker's cold stare as well as my brother's angry but also concerned one. "Miss Hayes, please take a seat"

I took hold of one of the empty chairs close to my brother bringing it to the center of the room, facing Mr. Thomson as I found it was the safest spot for me to be at. Not daring to look at my brother, or her, I just kept my eyes on the posters on the wall, as if it was a normal day.

"So?" I turned my attention to my principal, questioningly. "Maybe you'd like to explain why we're here?" he asked and I was brought back from my trance. "Oh sure, I could. Uh... I don't know. I got kicked out of class because I was late, then I went outside to wait for the break, and uh, I got beat up" I smiled.

Not a second after I heard mystery girl scoff, clearly not happy with my answer. Around then was the point when things went downhill even more than they were going before. "That's a funny way to put it, but now if you'll excuse me I'm going to tell the truth how I know its real"

"Enlighten us" the principal spoke, boredom lacing his words. "This chick, who loves to victimize herself-" -" Watch that mouth I'm sitting right here" Cole interrupted, facing her attitude. "Can you stop chiming in like a bastard little baby? No one's even talking to you, dog" she spat back, her attitude over the roof, making Cole even more furious than he already was. "Who are you to tell me when to speak and when not? Aren't you the bitch that went out of her way to come here and beat my little sister?" Cole fired back making my principal sigh and fall back into his chair, palming his face and muttering under his breath "Not this again"

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