49 - Danger averted

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"No mum" I replied, changing the channel once more. "Then what's the reason you're failing?" she asked, clearly upset. 

After the pleasant talk I had with Aiden in the car, I went home. To my surprise, mum was there, waiting for me at the door. Apparently, the school had called her to let her know all about the fight with Lindsay, plus 'express their concerns' as my grades haven't been the best they could lately. 

With everything happening, I haven't exactly been able to give my all into studying. I'm constantly thinking about Aiden -if I'm not with him- so concentrating on anything other than him has been... difficult. 

"I'm not failing, I just got a C" I said. I've always been an A student, so I understand her disappointment and concern, but I'm definitely not failing. She sighed, shaking her head. "Wanna tell me what the hell is going on with you? What was that fight? Who even is that girl? " she asked and I turned off the tv, taking a breath. 

Who was that girl? I knew I couldn't tell her who she was, the chances of her putting the pieces together and telling Cole about me and Aiden were too high, and I couldn't risk it. So what could I tell her? She already knew Lindsay doesn't go to my school, so my options were even less now. 

"She's Bailey's brother's girlfriend" I replied, before being able to grasp what I said. I didn't want to throw Nash's girlfriend under the bus -if he even had one-, nor did I want to think about what would happen if my mum looked into the case and found out I lied, but i couldn't postpone the answer any longer. 

"And what does she have to do with you?" she continued with the interrogation, not very convinced by my answer. "She came looking for Bailey, but found me instead, and started a fight out of the blue" I said. 

She nodded, not saying anything else. Instead, she started pacing back and forth in the living room. "I don't know where this behaviour is coming from, Evelyn, but I don't like it. Something better change soon, because I won't tolerate it anymore." she said, before leaving for her room. 

I sighed, hiding my face in my hands. I knew she was right, but I also knew that it wasn't entirely up to me to make that change as long as crazy town was out and about. 

Deciding I needed a break from... well, everything, I went up to my room to finish reading a book I had started about twenty years ago before we entered the Matrix. 

I closed the door behind me, dropping myself on my bed like a bag of potatoes. I sighed, hiding my face on my pillow. My mind was racing, hundreds of thoughts torturing me with no end. I was so powerless against what was going on around me, I felt overwhelmed to the point where I couldn't even explain it. 

I opened the book to the page I had last left it, an I couldn't focus on a single word I was reading. I checked my phone, hoping to see at least a text from Aiden, but none had came in. I quickly turned it off and tossed it to the other side of my bed. I was desperately searching for validation; something I could grasp on to, to feel that we were okay. 

I looked at the pile of books on my desk, and instantly remembered all the homework I had. I got up and reluctantly walked towards the desk. I looked through the pile, grabbing my history book. Maybe if I read about someone else's life, I'd forget about mine. 


Time went by like water, and it was already evening. I closed my book, satisfied with the work I had done. I reached my door, my hand going to the handle. My mind went to my mother. She hadn't spoken to me since the talk we had, and I wasn't sure if she was home. Praying she wasn't, I opened the door and headed downstairs. 

To my surprise, my mum was there, having lunch with Jason. Great. I froze, not sure how I should react. "You're awake" Jason exclaimed, breaking the awkward silence in the room. I looked at my mum, confused. "We thought that you were sleeping so we didn't wake you for lunch. There's a plate for you in the oven." she explained, and I nodded, shaking my head as I walked towards the oven. 

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