21 - Headbutts

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Evelyn's POV

It was Monday morning and I hated having to go back to school. It was a hell of a weekend, and I was emotionally drained. The rest of Saturday went by quickly; after shopping with the girls we went back to Bailey's place, where we talked about everything and nothing at the same time, as I filled them with lies about how Friday had gone and I heard Ivory be as snoopy as ever, looking for clues on Aiden's mystery girl like a mad man.

My alarm went off and I forced myself out of bed, the last thing I wanted was to be late and have to face my oh-so-nice teacher, who would most likely kick me out of class if I was late- stupid physics. I resisted the urge to throw the alarm across the room, it had taken enough hits already and I really couldn't afford to have to get another one. My wallet was still mourning after Saturday's purchase.

The set I bought lied comfortably inside of its bag on top of my desk. My bed had become my best friend this weekend. The hangover took all the power out of me and the remains of its effect were still killing me until the moment I closed my eyes on Saturday night. I took a little time away from my friends on Sunday, only texting back to assure me that I was alright. Aiden and I hadn't spoken after our talk on the balcony, and I noticed that he didn't come home on Saturday night, neither did he show up for most of Sunday, apart from coming home late at night to sleep.

I shook my head; I need to get my mind off him and what happened needed to stay in the past. It didn't mean anything to me, it most likely didn't mean anything to him either, so there was no need for us to stay in this grey area. It was time to leave it behind us and move on, as friends. I don't want to have to hide every time I see him outside, and I have a feeling that if this doesn't get sorted as quickly as possible, that's what's going to happen.

I looked at the chair in my desk, the grey hoodie still draped over its back. Step one to go back to normal- return the hoodie and get my shirt back.

I didn't want to be the one to text him first, I realized that if he wanted to talk to me he would've texted me already. But what can you do, I need this to be over as fast as possible, so I'm not going to wait around for him to get his head out of his ass and text me.

Grabbing my phone from the bedside table, I finally stopped being a chicken and texted him.


I resisted the urge to add a smiley face as I was scared that it would make him get the wrong idea, considering I now remember everything. 

You feeling any better?

I'm a lot better, thnx

So what's up

I have something that belongs to you, and you have something that belongs to me. Care to trade?

Come to my place after school. I wanna talk.

I left my phone on the bed and got dressed before heading to the kitchen. I didn't know how to reply to that, or if I should, to be exact. He wants to talk, I don't. Things need to be cleared between us, I know that, I just can't face him right now. Can't someone take my place as I hide under my blanket?

"Good morning" I greeted Cole, who was making coffee. Seeing him in our kitchen making coffee was such a weird sight for me, but I liked it. We could go back to being a family, even if our mum wasn't around as much. "Morning, kiddo" he replied, throwing his spoon on the sink. "Mum left for work early but she said we were having dinner together today so that's nice" he spoke, sounding hopeful. I on the other hand didn't feel as hopeful. I didn't want to be pessimistic, I wished mum would be home for dinner, but this promise that she made this morning to Cole, she's made a thousand times to me and Jason, and unfortunately, she never keeps it.

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