7 - Intruder

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''You have got to be kidding me''

''What, are you not happy to see me?'' he said making me turn around to look at him, noticing how close to me he was standing. He had his signature smirk on, looking down at me.

''Cut the BS, Aiden, why the hell are you in my house and how did you get here in the first place?'' I asked taking a few steps back to find my phone and create some space between us. I was angry. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if steam was starting to come out of my ears. I didn't say anything at the party but there was no way in hell I was going to stay quiet this time.

''Let's just say I remembered hearing your mum once say that you had a second key somewhere in the garden and thought I'd give it a shot. Turns out three years later the key's still there. I mean, you guys need to find a safer place to keep your keys. You wouldn't want any, I don't know, intruders'' he said, his voice turning deeper as he walked towards me.

My breathing turned uneven and my hands felt unsteady. It's a trick to make you forget I kept telling myself, hoping I wouldn't give in. ''You're the one giving me advice on intruders? You're the intruder here!'' I said with a shaky voice, taking another step back, making him take another step forward. ''I didn't see you complain, though, did you now, Evelyn?" he rasped, moving even closer. I looked up at him, his grey eyes darkening, unveiling a storm behind them.

I looked at him, squinted my eyes and looked away, still being able to feel him looking at me. How dare he? ''Seriously, you have every right to be mad at me'' he said, suddenly turning serious. I looked at him, remembering everything that had happened tonight, also reminding myself he had a lot of explaining to do. ''You think?'' I said, moving away from him and leaving the room and heading towards the kitchen as he followed me. ''You come back after three years and the only thing you have to say for yourself is that you're sorry and I appreciate that you at least say that, but 'sorry' can't fix shit, Aiden ''

I hated being so abrupt to him, thinking that maybe just maybe something out of everything I had told him had hurt him. I shook my head and put that thought aside. Three years of me constantly worrying, three years of me feeling rejected and hurt. If I could take that, he can take whatever I have to say.

He ran a hand through his hair, sighing ''You have no fucking idea of how hard I tried to make things work so that they wouldn't've led to this, but I couldn't'' he paused and tugged at his hair, looking away from me ''they wouldn't let me'' he said with a shaky voice

''They? As in the guys?'' I said, making him laugh, bitterly before sitting in the chair on the other side of the counter which we were sitting by. ''The guys? No, no, no. The people I'm talking about could only wish they had even a third of the guys' hearts. Maybe then they'd actually see what it's like to have a heart'' he said, locking his jaw and looking away, his words emitting hatred.

I could tell he was hurt, I just didn't know why. It was obvious that he wasn't given a choice when he left our hometown but the reason behind it stayed unknown and I could already tell that there was no way he'd tell me even if I asked. ''What did they do to you, Aiden?'' I said with a quiet voice, looking at him with worried eyes. I was angry, yes; but that didn't mean I stopped caring about him nor that I was less worried now.

He turned to look at me, a frown taking over his features. He opened his mouth to say something but then decided against it and closed it. ''Why are you asking this now?'' he asked, getting up to get a glass of water. ''Like, why would you think they did something to me?'' he said. All of the sudden the atmosphere had changed and though he didn't say it, through he way he was acting I could tell that there was something dark he was hiding and trying to help me find, just without admitting it himself.

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