9 - I didn't drag you down with me

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''You're kidding!'' Ivory yelled from my bed while I carried a big box of pizza, walking towards the bed. We had decided to have a girls' night in, just us two, so that we'd have a chance to talk about things and kind of sort things out. Our friendship was hit by a wave of; well, Aiden and Ivory had called me, telling me how sorry she was over how she had acted, asking me if I wanted to hang out.

So, we got ourselves some pizza and were now talking as quietly loud as we could, considering we didn't want my brother to wake up or my mum to hear what we were talking about. ''You wish I wasn't'' I said, laughing as I put the box between us.

''Oh, Gosh I can't believe this! So, like, he put you to bed?'' she said smirking while wiggling her brows. Surprisingly, she didn't seem angry or 'disappointed' at the fact that I and Aiden were -though it wasn't planned, hanging out again. She seemed to encourage it, more than I'd like her to even.

I threw my notebook at her as she laughed ''Dude, I swear if you don't stop implying what you're implying I will throw you out the window!" I said, stuffing my face with the thing that brought me the most happiness in the world; pizza.

''Oh, come on, Evelyn! The only thing I said was that you guys look kind of cute together!'' she said, taking a bite of her slice as well. ''I don't care if we look 'cute', nothing is happening or is going to happen. Especially now. I don't care what y'all are trying to do, but until he decides to show some respect and actually tell me what's going on, I'm not even going to talk to him. Period''

For the past few days, I'd been doing exactly that; ignoring him, something that was proven harder than I thought it would be. He didn't go to our school anymore, therefore, I thought avoiding him would be easy but turns out, it wasn't. Every day I know that he's just next door from me but I can't talk to him and every night I have to see him bring a different girl in his room and pretend I don't know what they're doing or more specifically pretend I don't care.

It's not jealousy because I don't see him as something more than the guy that used to be my best friend and a person I care about, but it still makes me angry. Not only because he's most likely playing with all these girls and it makes me want to throw a toilet cleaner on his head but because he finds the time to do what he does with them, but can't seem to find the time to make an effort to make things right with us.

''Okay, now that's a little cruel, don't you think? I mean he just came back, give him some time'' she said as if it was something obvious. ''Give him some time? Ivory, he seems to find time for everyone except for me'' I told her, instantly regretting it, thinking I sounded like a whiny girlfriend.

''Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?'' she said, smirking, giving me a look. ''Dude I'm serious'' I replied.

''Dude I'm serious'' she said, mocking me


''Ivory!'' she laughed her head off almost choking on her pizza as I threw a pillow at her. ''Dude stop throwing stuff at me!'' she said but laughed anyway.

''In all seriousness though, I think you should make a move or something'' she told me when we stopped laughing. ''Like get close to him''

''Why are you so stuck on the idea of me and him being together like it's not going to happen!''

''Why not try though? I mean, the guy's hot, you gotta at least give him that'' she said, raising her eyebrows and smirking.

''He's; good looking, yeah. But he's my- was my best friend and I just don't see him like that'' I said, taking a sip of my Cola. I looked away and thought for a second. Why was she acting so off? The same person who was trying to get me to stay away from Aiden, was now telling me I should 'get close to him'?

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