10 - Secret meet-ups & rumors

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''...And then, can we get ice cream? And watch Spongebob? And maybe order pizza for dinner and stay awake after my bedtime? Pleeeease?'' Jason continued telling me his plan for tonight, on which he hadn't stopped adding stuff to since he found out mum had to visit our sick aunt since she doesn't have anyone else to take care of her.

Aren't we a big happy family?

''We'll see, Jay'' I told him, my mind travelling elsewhere. The fight with Aiden in the library, the file that potentially could give me all the answers I wanted and needed, my mum's sudden change of behavior... the list went on and on.

Jason continued adding stuff to the night of his dreams when I cut him off ''Oh, would you look at that? We're here!'' I said pointing at his school and giving him his backpack. I lowered myself to meet his level and kissed his forehead. ''Be careful and-'' ''-wait for me to come pick you up, don't talk to strangers. I remember E'' he said and gave me a tight hug before yelling ''See you in 4 hours'' and running towards the school's yard.

I opened my phone to check it and turned around, walking to my school. Ugh I hate Mondays. I reached my school and tried my best to turn into a chameleon and camouflage my way to my class, desperate not to have to have any actual human interaction. I'm very social I know.

I walked towards the entrance and noticed everyone around me where whispering -at least they were trying to- and pointing at me. Oh, what a great day this will be.

''It's her''

''Why does he even talk to her''

''He deserves someone better for sure''

''Isn't that the girl he was with at the party?''

I walked faster, trying to ignore all the stares and 'whispers' that were still going on around me and get to class when Lucy, a member of the cheer squad stopped me. ''Oh my God, you're the lucky one! The girl everyone's talking about!'' she said, shaking my shoulders. ''L-Lucky one? Lucky, why?'' I told her, confused as ever.

''Because you were with him of course! Come on, we all saw you running into Jagger's room with him, don't try to deny it'' she said smirking.

Oh, shit. Not only had they seen me and Aiden go in Jagger's room the night of the party, but they also thought we had-


''Uh, I think you got things a little wrong, see we-''

''-So there you are!'' I heard Aiden say and looked away, turning my lips into a thin line. ''You are the last person we need in this situation'' I said under my breath but he caught it and responded the same way, making sure his 'fanclub' didn't hear him ''You want to get out of this or not?'' he whispered to me throwing one of his charming smiles to Lucy who was looking at him as If he was a slice of pizza.

''Seriously, he's not even that good looking?!''

''Sure I'm not'' he whispered with a smirk and chuckled while I put a hand over my mouth. Someone kill me now, I said that out loud.

''He's probably whispering to her about all the things he's going to do to her later'' a girl said with a sigh and I widened my eyes, turning all shades of red while Aiden just seemed to really be enjoying what was happening.

''You know, your company is just really great but we have places to be at so we'll see you later?'' he said, putting his hand over my shoulder and taking us to the back of the school where his car was.

''Got something to say?'' I said, looking at him expectedly and releasing myself from his arm.

''Yeah, I actually do but I'm scared that if I tell you people are going to think I'm trying to stick my tongue down your throat if not something else'' he said chuckling a little and rolling his eyes.

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