35 - Early for foreplay

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I took a deep breath and shut the door behind me, walking towards the spot where I'd meet Bryan. He had insisted to pick me up from my place, but for both of our sakes, I told him to meet somewhere where Aiden couldn't run him over with his car. I don't know why I was getting anxious all of the sudden, I started taking deep breaths, not wanting to go crazy in front of him. He had picked a bar downtown for us to go to, something that made me even more anxious because it made it seem more like a date.

I spotted him leaning on his car, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. "Hey" I shyly spoke and his mouth dropped, eyes scanning me up and down. "You look beautiful" he said, making me blush, and I smiled. "Thanks" I told him, feeling my cheeks redden as I wasn't used to getting comments like this.

Bryan opened the door for me and I gladly took a seat. He joined me, instantly turning on the heat. "If it gets too warm for you, tell me, I just assumed you were cold" he spoke and I smiled. "Thanks" I said, looking down at my legs. I need to learn how to be less awkward around dudes, this is getting ridiculous. He chuckled, probably noticing my nervousness, and I did the same. The chuckle turned into a giggle and the giggle turned into a laugh "What's so funny" I asked, playfully. 

"It's just so funny to me how- I mean you're too pretty to be nervous around me, Evelyn, you're like way out of my league anyway" he said, making my blush intensify, but it was dark so I hoped he wouldn't notice. 

But he did. "I can't believe you're blushing" he said and his eyes drifted between me and the road. "You just don't seem like the girl to do that" he continued, making me smirk. "What type of girl do I seem like then?" I played with my hair, turning to look at him. He tapped on the wheel with his fingers, thinking about his answer. "You know, the confident popular one that all the guys gush over but she rejects all of them" he said and I laughed "Well, I'm not" I responded, remembering all the time I spent wishing I was. 

"I was always taken aback by that, from the moment I set foot in that classroom. The back seats never suited you, I thought you'd be the one in the front." I nodded, looking around. "Is there a particular reason why we're talking about my social status?" I asked, playfully. "Not really, I'm just trying to distract you from the fact that I'm actually kidnapping you" he teased me and I faked a gasp, to appear scared.

"Oh please, sir, I'm too pretty to die" I begged and we both laughed. He parked the car and I could see the bar we were going to. So many people were walking inside and I felt a certain feeling pool in the bottom of my stomach. I was excited for once. 

Bryan turned off the engine and looked at me "Ready?" he asked and I nodded. We got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance when I remembered we were both underage. I stopped in my tracks. "Bryan?" I called for him "What is it?" he asked. "We're not 21, how are we going to get in?" I asked. "Don't worry about that" he assured me, something that only caused me to worry more, but I didn't question him. 

He looped one of his arms around my shoulders, pulling me to him. We reached the door, catching the bouncer's attention. He frowned, studying us closely and I started panicking, knowing damn well that if he asked for ID's, we were screwed. "Bryan?" he finally spoke and I frowned "Big Steve!"  he smiled and they exchanged a handshake. 

"And who's this?" Big Steve asked him and Bryan looked at me, unsure of what to say. I took both of us out of the difficult position and took my hand out for him to shake. "I'm Evelyn" I introduced myself. "Pleasure to meet you, Evelyn" he said, bringing my hand to his lips and placing a kiss on it, making me giggle. "You too"

He opened the door for us and in seconds we were greeted by the warmth of the closed space, and the settle music that was playing. I could smell the smoke coming from various corners as well as hear the sounds of bottles opening and glasses clinging. 

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