Chapter 2

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" There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off - Proverbs 23:18 "


"How is the man doing?" My father asks me as he slices his steak into pieces.

I told my family about Luke Reeves. He may be a stranger, yet he seems like a kind person.

I'm surprised for the fact that he is asking about Luke. My father is usually just talking when it comes to business or God.

"He's doing good." I smile as I lift my eyes to meet his.

I have been visiting Luke for the past 2 weeks already. He's a serious person and only smiles from time to time on. But we still manage to communicate in a way. I tell him about my day and he tells me about his. It's like getting to know a new friend. I really wish he could trust me a little bit more though and perhaps talk about his childhood.

But I guess, we have to take little steps first.

"When are you going to visit him again?" My mother asks me.

I take a look on my watch and count the time. "After work. Around 6PM, so I'll be late home again."

"I see. Greet Luke for us then." She smiles and continues eating.

My parents are understanding people and are proud in a way for having me. People expect them to be strict and control their children, but that's not the case in our family. They trust us.

"Will do." I assure her.

Asher, my 15 year old brother, stares at me and smirks. "Can I come with?"

His green eyes beg for my permission and since I can't resist his puppy eyes, I sigh.

"Of course." I roll my eyes as he grins widely.

He always finds excuses, just to skip his piano lesson.

"But Asher-" My mother wanted to say something, though I cut her off.

"Just for a day, mom. I'm sure Mrs. Hall can understand." I managed to save his butt, making him smile all widely.

You owe me something, buddy.



2 weeks passed by already and I'm still breathing...

My heart still aches for Julia. She keeps running on my mind and I can't seem to stop that.

But does she think of me too?... I don't think so. She has Viktor.... Heck! She doesn't even know that I got into an accident!

With my burning eyes shut, I breath deep in and try to fall asleep.

If only I could make an end to this agony...

"Hey!" A familiar soft female voice, causes me to open my eyes.

I spot Abigail smiling right at me and waving her hands. She has her blonde hair tied up and is wearing her classic formal clothes. A maroon shirt, pair of black jeans and small accessories.

She reminds me a lot of Julia, only that she has ginger hair. It stings inside my heart.

"Hey." I managed to smile back as she carefully takes a sit beside me. I'm locked by the mesmerizing green eyes of her. They remind me a lot of the green field, I used to play around with my brothers as a child.

𝘚𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘺 𝘎𝘰𝘥 [𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓭✔]Where stories live. Discover now