Chapter 14

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"Lord teach me
what I cannot see"
- Job 34:32


I'm on my way to get Luke as we're going to church together.

Although we're going to see each other more often due to work, not having him beside me makes me miss him even more.

A reason why knocking on his  door makes me feel excited. The door gets swung open and I spot his deep dark eyes staring into mine. With a warm smile he manages to make my legs soft, as if I were about to lose balance.

He's handsome no matter what he is wearing, but whenever he has a suit and tie on, he makes my heart flutter.

"Hey." He leans on his door frame wearing a suit and tie with his huge arms crossed together. "You look beautiful today."

And this is why he always makes my day...

I feel my face heating up as he reveals his deep dimples again. "You mean only today?" I tease him, but I should've known better.

"You are beautiful and always manage to stun me everytime I see you." He doesn't even hold back as he leans closer. I can smell his strong cologne.

He really teased me back-

I can't help but smile as I grab him by his hand. "C-C'mon! We have a church to attend to."

He laughs as he follows my lead. "Right, I almost forgot we were dressed up for church. Either way, gets me excited as you're with me." 

He's flirting now? Right?

I can feel my face heating up again. "L-Let's go already!"


I'm sitting next to Luke as we're listening to the pastor greeting each one of us.

He smiles as he finally starts the gospel. " Today I want to share a story that has changed my life in a way I never thought was possible. It is a story of a wealthy man living in a land called Uz with his large family and extended flocks. He was a faithful man, who did good and worshipped the Lord with all his heart. God boasts to Satan about Job's goodness. However, Satan argues that Job is only good because God has blessed him abundantly. Satan challenges God that, if He removes the protection from Job and by permission can punish Job, the man will turn and curse God. God gave him permission to test Job's faithfulness, except for taking the man's life."

The story of Job...

I look over to Luke, who's focused staring and listening to the pastor. He'd normally notice my glance and stare back with a smile, but today's seems different. His eyes shimmer in the light.

Wait. I think this is good, having him so focused.

I must admit, the story he is about to hear is similar to his current situation. With a smile I turn my attention back to the pastor.

"Job receives four messages, each bearing separate news that his livestock, servants, and ten children have all died due to marauding invaders or natural catastrophes. Job tears his clothes and shaves his head in mourning, but he still blesses God in his prayers. Satan appears in heaven again, and God grants him another chance to test Job. This time, Job is afflicted with horrible skin sores. His wife encourages him to curse God and to give up and die, but Job refuses, struggling to accept his circumstances..."


"Three of the man's friends, Eliphaz, Bilbao and Zophar came to visit him and sat in silence for seven days out of respect for his mourning. The three friends try to give statements for his punishment.
It even comes to the point where Job questioned his living and cursing the day of his birth." The pastor pauses as he look at the crowd.

𝘚𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘺 𝘎𝘰𝘥 [𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓭✔]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt