Chapter 3

191 22 46

" Sometimes God delivers in miraculous ways. - Daniel 6:22-23 "


"Mr. Reeves?" I hear a familiar voice call out to me as I slowly come back to my consciousness.

Freaking damn. Another wasteful day huh?

I stare into the nurse's dark eyes as I carefully lift myself up and rub my sleepy eyes, then run my hands through my hair. It's not very gentleman like to look like this in front of a woman, now is it?. "I'm awake."

Sort of.

She sends me a small smile. "Good morning, Mr. Reeves. I'm sorry to wake you up, yet a woman was asking for you."


Just when I was going to tell her to let her in, she cuts me off.

"It's not Ms. Page."

No? Who could it-

My body tighten and as I catch her auburn hair peeking outside the door. Her blue eyes pierce straight into mine, causing me to freeze in place as she carefully walks towards me.


What is she doing here?! Why is she here!? How did she find me!?

I don't know how to feel about this situation, rather than avoid her gaze and tighten my whole body. Without even realizing it, I turned to look at the window as I clench my teeth and fist together.

"Ma'am, please wait-" I hear the nurse talk to her and blend their convo out.

I am not ready to face her. Seeing her makes me sad and angry at the same time. I'm frustrated and helpless. It sucks like hell...


I feel her soft hand touch my fist and breath deep in. She managed to convince the doctor for her stay, making me wish she would leave as soon as possible.

It's hard to breath. It's like I'm suffocating...

"Luke, baby, please look at me." I hear her plead as she runs her hand through mine. I catch my engagement ruby ring still resting on her ring finger.

How dare her?! Coming at me with such guts after catching her clearly cheat on me!

"I know I did a big mistake! I regret everything!... I didn't know you were still-"

You think that is an excuse!?

"Alive?" I cut her off. I stare into her sad and teary blue eyes that I once so loved. Seeing her makes me want to scream out loud.

Back when I was still in the war zone, our Captain spread out the news. We lost half of our men and some remained missing. This news got spread allover the media and every family member thought they lost their loved once. It was half truth and half lie... I do understand why Julia thought of a plan B in marrying Victor, my once so close friend... Yet it hurts so bad, knowing that she had given hope on me without even trying as I was still out there thinking of coming home and marry her...

Her red lips are trembling and I can feel her guilt crawling up to my bones. "Luke... Please, I'm begging you to forgive me. You promised to come back to me whenever you can, right?" She sends me a small smile as she runs her hand through my cheek.

This might be the first time, I acted cold towards her. Without hesitating and not showing any sympathy, I keep my gaze on her. "I did promise to marry you."

Her eyes suddenly light up and I almost feel guilty for letting her down. "Oh Luke! I knew you weren't-"

"Place the engagement ring on the desk beside me and hand me the papers. I'll release you from our contract. You're free to go."

It hurts me as much as having to think about our planned future falling for pieces. Her tears stream down her beautiful face as if she lost everything. My fingers hurt from resisting to pull her close. I can feel my tears rising up, yet my frustration covers it all up.

"Can't we think this through-" She quietly mutters, obviously trying to save our relationship.

Enough. Stop pushing yourself.

"I made up my mind long time ago, Julia. Do me this one favor and let me go. You don't deserve to marry me anyways." I force myself to keep my eyes on her as she cries in front of me.

Look what you've done, you idiot!

The voice inside of me is begging me to pull her close and give her a second chance. Forget about the past... yet the other half of me is telling me to let her go.

"Luke. I-I'm. so. sorry." She sobs in between her sentence. She rips the ring off her finger and slowly places it on the desk, trembling.

Without any other words, she turns her back from me and walks out the door.

As soon as she is out of sight, I lay down and place my arm around my eyes, as if I were blocking the sunlight.

But I was trying to hold the pain and tears back, as I breath deep in.

I'm sorry too.


I've been looking forward to spend another time with Luke, but arriving here makes me feel like I shouldn't have come in the first place.

Right now, I'm sitting next to him as he is facing the window. He has a blank look on his face. Even worse than the last time I've checked on him. His dark orbs are filled with emotions I can't quite assign to.

It looks like a sorrowful and painful look.

I'm assuming he hadn't eaten his breakfast either, as it's still on his desk along with his lunch.

"Hey." I try again and lean closer, but he doesn't pay much attention to me. " Do you really not want to talk about what is bothering you?"

He breaths deep in and out, still staring outside blankly. "There's nothing to talk about."

He's worrying me a lot.

"Luke." I smile as he finally turns to look at me. His sudden head tilt made me stare for a while. "Talk to me. I'll be glad of help and love to lend you an ear, alright?"

I don't know why but he still keeps his blank look on. "I'd rather not have you involved into my business." His cold answer, causes me to gulp.

He can be really scary, I admit. "I understand, but it's not healthy to keep things to yourself. You might end up suffocating yourself-"

"Don't act like you know me. You know nothing about me!" He suddenly raised his voice a little bit, causing me to startle.

I would, if only you'd talk more to me! As much as I want to yell that back, I can't. Who am I to say that?

He seems to be regretting his action for a second, before turning his head to look away from me again.

"I'm sorry. I should go." I apologize and stand up from my chair. I carefully place the plastic bag with mom's home made cooking next to the other meals. "I'm going to leave some dishes here. Make sure to eat well. I'm sorry I've bothered you."

I don't know why I expected him to say something or hold me back, yet it disappointed me as I take on last look at him. He didn't say anything and didn't even took a glance back at me.

Whatever is going on in his mind, is surely a battle only he can handle. I can't do anything else than to pray for him and hope for the best.

𝘚𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘺 𝘎𝘰𝘥 [𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓭✔]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu