Chapter 6

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"Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law." - Romans 13:8


I've been staying in the Paiges' household for a week now. I mean I find it nice getting to know the Paige better, especially Abigail.

She has a great relationship with her family, is a little clumsy sometimes, yet I still find it really cute.

Asher is like the younger brother I never had.

Mr. and Mrs. Paige give me back the nostalgia in my own home.

It is a blessing, no doubt, yet I feel like it's a curse as well.

Don't get me wrong, I just dislike the feeling of being held in care while I'm a grown man already. I should be working and standing on my own, rather than getting myself treated and comfortable around a family.

I tried to apply for jobs and as an outcome I failed.
Either it's because of the way I look or the stores are filled with staff already. I was decline in an office job as I haven't finished college or have any social working experience, I couldn't enter any health care work either nor could I work in a store as an employee stocking up cans and boxes. What's left is trying my luck with an old coffee shop downtown. They are most likely to send me back home empty with the same reason.

It sucks being in the military for years and not having any other job experience inside your own hometown.

This better be it!

Staring at the coffee shop flyer in my hands, I wait for the manager to step outside his bureau. It's been a while since I felt so nervous for applying in a job. My nerves are kicking in and I can't seem to sit patiently, even after all the years of hard discipline training, as I listen to the clock tick.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

It could drive people insane!

The door knob gets turned and before me stands a wise man in his 60's. Mr Olsen sends me a tight smile as he gently tips his cowboy hat at me.

"Mr. Reeves." His husky voice let's me know how much time he spend on nicotine and alcohol. "I read your personal resume through, Son. I must say, you're pretty hard working based on what is written in the paper."

I stand up to shake his hand.
"Thank you, Sir."

He takes a break before handing me my papers back. I can already sense what he's about to tell me. "I'm afraid we're already filled with employees. I'd like to give you a place, yet I can't. If only now came earlier. I'm sorry, Son."

And that's it I guess...

I give him my best smile as I keep the disappointment to myself. "I understand, Sir. Thank you."


I enter the mansion and hoped for no one to notice my presence.  As I was about to take the stairs up to my room, I get held back by Mr. Paige. He's wearing a formal suit and tie, which suits him really good.

"Luke! I didn't know you were home already. How did it go, Son?" His smile sends me comfort. It's a smile a father  would give his proud son, it reminds me a lot of my own father and grandpa.

Of course he'd ask me, after I disappeared for hours.

"I'm still looking for a job, Sir. The jobs I applied for are already filled."

The look on his face makes me feel bad. It's the pity that bothers me. "But the flyers?"

I take out the flyers, which I found around town. "They used to look for employees but there was someone who acted faster than me."

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