18: permission

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.・゜-: ✧ :- Author's Note .・゜-: ✧ :-

Y'all I'm simping so much for the picture above, and I wanted to share my blessings with you  (///∇///✿)


"The weather is so cold today, I just hope it would end already." I say, stuttering due to the freezing breeze.

I exhaled on both of my hands,  rubbed them to cause at least a small amount of heat.

"First the umbrella, now your jacket? Gosh you're so old Y/N!" Hori was laughing as she starts to slap my back.

"Me? Old? I don't want to grow old without having my own husband and kids!"

Her laughter turned into a smirk and it made me feel even colder. "Sheesh why are you so defensive. Anyway, then Sakusa-san is a husband candidate then." She nudges me continuously, with her eyebrows jumping up and down.

When she told me how Sakusa could be my husband, I couldn't help but imagine all sorts of things. Me and him sharing the same bed under one roof, cooking meals that we would eat together, not to mention bath together. With the last thought, my face exploded with extreme dark shades of red. 

"Oh? Why is your reaction like that? Are you not telling me something?"


Hori hit the mark but I didn't dare to admit that she was right.

"I-It's just that the temperature suddenly turned hotter!"

I hear Hori scoff, not believing a word I say. "Yet a while ago you were on the verge of making a campfire." 

I diverted away from Hori's eyes so that I wouldn't answer her questions anymore. It's not that I'm hiding me and Sakusa's true relationship. I just know that I need to ask permission from him first before telling my best friend. Anyhow, when my eyes changed its direction, something caught my attention.

"Sakusa-san!" I waved as I call out to him.

Sakusa looks at me with a disgusted expression, but he still walked towards me. As soon as he was in front of my face, we were already battling with words. Our usual bonding experience.

"Noisy." Sakusa starts.

"Certified freak." I followed.

"Feculent." He says back.

"Seven days a week."

"Huh?" Sakusa stopped belittling me, giving me a confused face.

I still continued with my lyricsl "Wet ass pussy. Make that pull-out game weak!"

"What the fuck L/N?"

Not minding that I won the battle, I was more surprised that he actually cursed under that clean mouth. The moment was over when Hori coughed under her breath.

I forgot that she was still there.

I leaned closer to Sakusa so that I could whisper my worries to him. But as to be expected, he moved away.

"Relax I'm not going to touch you."  I assured him.

With that, he finally loosed the stiffness in his shoulders.

I tried to lessen the volume of my voice so that Hori cannot hear us. Additionally, she will think that we're only having our usual conversation. "So um should I tell Hori about us?" I whisper to Sakusa.

He did not say anything. Instead, he told me that we should go home.

I guess it's a no.

When we got past the school gate, Sakusa stopped on his foot.

"Forgot something?" I asked my boyfriend.

"Yeah. Wait for me."

For minutes, I stood alone, still cold with the weather. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I began to shiver.

"You're cold?" There was a voice behind me.

Sakusa's finally back.

I turned to look at him and gestured an okay sign. "Just a little me bit, don't wor-" But before I could finish, Sakusa undresses the jacket covering his body, and puts it to mine. Once again, I became a blushing mess.

"W-What about you Sakusa? Aren't you cold?" 

And then the thing I didn't expect the most happened. Sakusa touches his forehead to mine, having our faces only a few centimeters from each other.



We stood in silence for a little while, until he spoke.

"Just don't get sick okay?"

"O-O-O-Okay." I couldn't process my words properly since he was so close to me. 

The germaphobe? Touching me? N-No way..

He finally releases the little space that we had. My heart is still beating like crazing. 

What was he thinking?

It's only been a few weeks yet my heart's already racing this fast.

"I don't think I can handle this much excitement.."  I bluntly told him.

"Huh? For what?"

"Dummy." I say while cuddling up his jacket that was placed on my body.

Extended Ending *:・。.

Third Person POV

While Y/N was waiting for Sakusa outside their school, little did she know that Sakusa went back to talk to Hori.

"We're together." Sakusa says to Hori.

"I know, for your parents right?"

"No. I like her so I asked her out."

Hori was speechless and she jolted from her position.

"Thank you and please don't hurt my friend." Was all she could reply to him.

Sakusa bows and heads back to Y/N.

"My baby girl is a going to be a fine old hag." Hori says, watching Sakusa vanish from her sight.

— end of chapter 18—

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