27: smiling

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.・゜-: ✧ :- Author's Note .・゜-: ✧ :-

Since you and Sakusa call each other by first names now, the POV's name will change to "Kiyoomi" and "Y/N" !

"Hey did you saw Interhigh competitions? Sakusa-san is back to playing volleyball!"

"I know right! And Itachiyama won because of him!"

The girls  giggled in a corner from Kiyoomi's comeback. In fact, it might have been the talk of the whole school. Quite a few months have gone by, and Kiyoomi got back in his track. After he and I got an extraordinary grade for our science class, he didn't immediately join the team. Kiyoomi explained to me how he respected my feelings and wanted to talk to me first before playing volleyball again. As a supportive girlfriend that knows what's best for him, I said yes.

And here we are, back to the old storyline. Him being busy with volleyball, and me talking about anime with my best friend Hori.

"Say Y/N, don't you get lonely without Sakusa-san sticking around you anymore?" Hori asks while holding a magazine about Fairy Tail.

"Why would I? I mean he does the best he can to catch up with our relationship. And I'm already happy for that."

Hori scoffs, responding in a sarcastic tone. "Sure you are."

She's not wrong though. It made me realize how different our paths were. I was only able to be with him because he wasn't doing volleyball clubs at that time. Now that he's back to his career, he's putting volleyball as his priority again.

No I shouldn't be too negative. That's right, I'll visit him on the court!

I slowly opened the door and peaked a little bit of my head

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I slowly opened the door and peaked a little bit of my head. The court was filled with a mix of joy and tension, while the benches were occupied by the team's fangirls.

"Go go Sakusa-san! Kyaa!" The girls say, holding a 'we ♡ sakusa' banner on top of their heads.

As I was saying occupied by  Sakusa's fangirls...

Looking at how they try their best to gain attention from my boyfriend, I felt like wanted to break their limbs. Although it might give Kiyoomi a bad reputation for having a gangster and crazy girlfriend.

Diverting my eyes from the girls, I went past the door and stood in the corner of the court. There, I watched Kiyoomi eagerly. I saw how he different he was when he was playing. His movements were sharp and they were so graceful. He face was so comfortable, and I saw how happy Kiyoomi was. 

He's even smiling.. He rarely does that when he's with me..

Darkness was about to corrupt my mind when I suddenly remembered all the fun times we had. His initiative to try and fight his germaphobic self, his cute messages, and of course, his confession.

Stop it negative thoughts. I'm proud of Kiyoomi wherever he is. His happiness is my happiness. Plus, I know how much he truly loves me too. 

And with that, I was satisfied with my feelings and left the court.

"Should I ask Kiyoomi to have a one-week off from practice so we could date?" I told myself, lifting a finger on my chin.

Extended Ending *:・。.

Kiyoomi 's POV

I immediately saw Y/N enter the court as soon as she stepped in. She didn't know though, and I don't plan to tell her that I saw her glaring at the annoying girls on the bench.

Mmmm.. jealous type?

 My head got distracted and happiness was just rushing throughout my body. I played gracefully and excitingly than usual. With her presence around, it was like she was a living energy pill.

After the game, Motoya went to me and asked a weird question. "Say, why are you quite cheerful today?"

"What? I'm always happy when I'm playing volleyball." I responded while wiping off the sweat on my hair.

"Uh, yes and no." Motoya said, looking at the roof of the court.  "Yes, because I know that you really enjoy volleyball. And no because today was exceptional. You actually smiled on the court? That's extremely odd Omiomi."

Oh, that was probably because of Y/N.

"Maybe you're imagining things." 

I walked away from Motoya to pack my bag and go home. But I stopped, remembering I have something left to say to Motoya.

"Motoya." I say as I turned my head to meet him.

"What is it?" 

"And don't call me Omiomi."

Extended Ending  2.0*:・。.\

Your POV

[ 1 new message from boyfriend ]

Boyfriend: I have a question.

You: What is it? Is something matter?

Boyfriend: Are you the jealous type?

You: No, why would you say that? (*❛ั ᆸ ❛*)

Boyfriend: If you're uncomfortable with my fans, tell me so I'll get rid of them.

You: Okay! (∗'∀`)σ


Boyfriend: ( ͡° ▽ ͡°)


— end of chapter 27—

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