one shot: quarantine

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this is not part of the plot! just a one shot on a "what if" Y/N dated Kiyoomi during quarantine

[ video call with boyfriend ]

"Kiyoomiii the cases have gone down and we're already vaccinated. Can we finally meet up for a date? Even if it's just in our homes." I say while putting on a cat ears filter for a cutesy effect that can maybe convince him.

Ever since the government implemented quarantine, I haven't seen nor touched Kiyoomi physically. It may be such a relief for him knowing that he's safe within his home, but it wasn't for me. Although we still need to follow protocols and keep safe under our roofs. So, when the environment was slowly returning back to normal, but not completely, I wanted to meet up with Kiyoomi as soon as possible.

"Sorry Y/N but no. Who knows what germs will stick to us after leaving our houses."

"Even when I have this cutesy filter?" I replied, still not giving up.

"No. Not until everything is safe."

Ugh. Fine.

Not going to lie. We've been distant because of things that kept us busy. Him, watching volleyball matches 24/7, while me watching or reading anime like Attack on Titan. We often keep in touch though, but it wasn't enough.

The Next Day

Boyfriend: What you up to?

You: Nothing much, same as usual.

Boyfriend: Oh,. same.

The Next Next Day

You: Kiyoomi! want to play Valorant with me!

Boyfriend: I don't play games that drain my muscles

You: Ah right. Okay!

The Next Next Next Day

You: Kiyoomi look at this tiktok video I found! They made a song from a frog croaking!

You: https....

Boyfriend: Oh sorry for the late reply. I was busy cleaning the house.

Boyfriend: Cool video btw.

This isn't going to work.

Thus, I decided to message Kiyoomi that we should talk our problem on the phone through a video chat.

[ video call with boyfriend ]

"Kiyoomi, the truth is, I feel like we've became less than a couple with all the distance and stuff."

He didn't reply and I continued ranting.

"If you feel disturbed by me and I.. I'm sorry."

Still, there was no response.


There was a sigh before hs began speaking. "To be honest Y/N, I got tired of it.."

Wait what?

"I'm tired of.."

Before he can continue, the doorbell rang and I decided to open it first. I didn't want to hear anymore of Kiyoomi's words as I know that it would eventually lead to a.... breakup.

I saw a man over my door and he was holding something heavy from his hand.

"Um Y/N L/N?"

"Yes what is it?"

"This is a delivery from Kiyoomi Sakusa."


I took my phone and saw that the call was still on hold.

"Kiyoomi what's the meaning of this?"

Because of his lighting, I can visibly saw the pink tinted cheeks on his face. 

"Actually.. I'm tired of us being distant but I couldn't do anything about it because of the virus. So I delivered a gift basket so that even though I'm far away or we're busy with other things, you can still feel me beside you." He says sheeply.

"You're not breaking up with me?"

"Y/N. Distance doesn't affect how much I love you okay?"

"I- I love you too Kiyoomi!"

"But make sure to disinfect the basket. I wrapped it with plastic so that the things inside won't be damaged by the alcohol." He followed up.

When I took the gift basket inside, there was an exploding box that contained pictures of our memories, favorite copies of my mangas, his volleyball magazines, a cute medium-sized (f/c) teddy bear, and a long-ass handwritten letter made by my one and only boyfriend.

I then conclude that no matter how far,  how busy we are, as long as we talk things out and not give up on what we feel for each other, things will never change. Or perhaps, we became even closer despite the virus keeping us apart.

[ 1 new message from boyfriend ]

Boyfriend: Teach me how to play Valorant.

You: A-Are you sure?

Boyfriend: Yeah. I bet I'll be better than you ☚(*'∀`☚)


Extended Ending *:・。.

Meanwhile, the delivery man was still standing in front of Y/N, when Kiyoomi and Y/N told each other their passionate feelings for each other.

Delivery man: 👁 👄 👁

  end of one shot —

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