09: walking home

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 [ 1 New Message From Angry Bird ]

Angry Bird: I can't walk you home today.


He didn't even walk me home yesterday, and now he's saying that he can't again?


Why am I agitated even though he's not my real boyfriend. I should be happy since I finally have some free time for myself.

After contemplating, I loitered around the campus to look for Hori. For minutes, I finally saw Hori who was at the canteen, buying her favorite milk bread.

"Hoririririri!" I exclaimed as I ran towards her.

People were looking at me but I didn't mind as I wanted to go and see my best friend.

"Y/N? What's up?"

"Let's go to the arcade today."

Hori's skin turned pale and her eyes grew wide in accordance.

"Are you insane?! It's already exams next week yet your mind's just wandering with games."

Crap. I forgot about exams.

I sighed from defeat as I sit beside Hori with my arms lazily placed on the table. I suddenly thought of something logical. Maybe the reason why Sakusa couldn't walk me home is because he's too occupied with exams as well.

"Now I feel guilty." I unexpectedly blurted out.

Hori turned to look at me, confused with my words. "What was that all about?"

"Well, I'll be honest. It feels so lonely without Sakusa-san walking me home. I got no one to tease nor argue with nonsense words."

"But you have me silly." Hori replied

She was right though. But I didn't know why somehow me being with Hori is different from being with Sakusa.

"I know but you're different. You're like my god tier friend. But Sakusa-san, he's giving me another feeling I guess? Like a battery charger? or a freshener?"

With my peripheral vision, I saw Hori's confused look change into a smirking one. I didn't know why but I did not bother to ask about it afterwards.

Meanwhile Kiyoomi ♡*:・。.

 [1 New Message from Noisy Germ ]

Noisy Germ: So um I just want to say that I'm sorry. I don't know why I need to do this but my conscience won't just let me go. I've always been thinking of how bad of a person you are (not that it changed) but just recently, I didn't even think about your plans. I got pissed because I thought that you were mad at me for not bringing an umbrella yesterday, the reason why you couldn't walk me home today. 

Noisy Germ: But then I suddenly remembered that exams are up on next week and you probably couldn't bring me home because you have to study too. I understand how you are a man of little words that's why you didn't care to explain it to me. Anyway I'm really sorry for thinking badly of you and good luck for the exams !! 


Sakusa did not reply to Y/N's long apology message. Deep inside, he knew that exams were not the real reason why he couldn't take Y'N home. But instead, he had this strange feeling in his chest when he saw his cousin Komori, giggling with Y/N yesterday.

"Noisy germ giving me a cardiovascular disease..."

And Sakusa just shoved his phone in his pocket, not realizing the feeling he currently has.

end of chapter 9 —

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