04 : quite cute

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"Let me get this straight. You and Sakusa-san are a couple, but you both have no feelings for each other?"

My friend Hori says as she was lying in the scant green grass at our field. I was sitting beside her, eating a sandwich as I nod to her question.

"And then Sakusa-san introduces his friend to you which apparently was the one who rejected you?

"He didn't really introduce Komori-san but sure, the gist is still there."

Hori then sits up from her position, grabbing her phone from her pocket. "Holy crap this is like one of those cheesy shoujo mangas I've read!"

Me and Hori have been friends for who knows how long, since we both share the same interest in watching anime and reading mangas.

"I need to take notes of these for wattpad ideas! This will go up in the charts like BOOM!" She continues.

"Whatever you say Hori." 

When I consumed the sandwich I bought at the convenience store, I lay on the grass just like what Hori did earlier.

"By the way Hori."

"Hmm?" She says, still jotting down ideas.

"Do you already have a partner for the science project?"

"Well, no. You're practically the only one I can get along with. And we're not classmates so,"

"Hey you shouldn't take that lightly. That project could affect your whole semester since it's about, 90 percent of our grade I think?"

Hori scoffs in an unoffensive way. "Says the one who doesn't have a partner too."

Finding a partner would have been easy if only I were classmates with Hori.

 My  wishful thinking was disrupted as soon as Hori mention his name.

"How about Sakusa-san? He's your boyfriend and I doubt he has a p--"

"NO!" I cut her off, screaming so loud that the birds near us flew away. "I can't even stand that guy. He gives me wrinkles just by standing beside him--"

"Uhh Y/N?"

"And his personality is so ugly blech! I bet no one can even tolerate his rudeness!"


I wasn't noticing Hori calling out due to my frustrations with Sakusa. I just wanted to let it all my rants out. "I would rather fail than be his project partner." 

"So that's what you think of me." 

I gulped, knowing whose voice it was.

Hori leaned closer to me whispering, "I tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen."

"S-Sakusa-san! H-Hi!"

"Then go fail." He says as he coldly turns away from me.

I grabbed his arm, forgetting that he was a germaphobe. It made him flinch and looked at me with annoyance.

"Get. that. off." His tone was scary, making me detach my trembling hand.

Sakusa sprayed alcohol to the part I touched, exhaling out a deep breath. "I can be your partner if only you want to."


"You'll have wrinkles though."

"Fine whatever." I say with my arms crossed as I looked away from him.

"Now let's go." He says as he moves his feet.

"To where?"

"Your home of course."

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