37: nurse

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10 years later, I became a nurse that provided people proper care and treatment. How did this happen? Well it all started when Kiyoomi got injured from a volleyball game. I knew that he would still pursue volleyball for his career, so I thought that whenever he gets hurt again, I'll be instantly be there to treat his wounds.

[ 1 new message ]

Omibun: What time is your break?

You: Oh, it's just about to end

Omibun: hmm.. I'm actually in the hospital you work at.

You: What? Why? Are you hurt?

Omibun: My heart hurts whenever you're gone.

You: ,,Seriously...

"Ms. L/N let's get moving. We have a new patient confined due to a small fracture on the wrist. He's actually a top star volleyball player.

Haha.. no that can't be Sakusa. There are a lot of volleyball players in Japan.

"What room is he confined in ma'am?"

"Room 214. The patient is wearing a MSBY Black Jackals uniform."

With the head nurse's description, I was certain that the patient was Kiyoomi. I hurriedly went straight to the room, clenching my chest due to palpitations of my nervousness.

As I opened the door, I saw him with a pillow covered in his face.

He must be embarrassed to see me in his state..

"Kiyoomi... I told you not to overwork yourself. I.. I'm sorry I wasn't able to maintain your physical health." I cried with tears forming from my eyes.

I just couldn't stand to see Kiyoomi in a bad state. After all, he blames himself whenever something bad happens to his body.

"Huh?" I heard Kiyoomi reply, but the voice wasn't coming from the bed. Instead, it came from the bathroom.

"Huh?" I said in return. I wiped my tears and saw Kiyoomi closing the bathroom door.

"Wait, if you're there, then who is this?" I asked a follow-up question while pointing the man on the bed.

"HEY HEY HEY!!" The man screamed as he removed the pillow off his face. "What's up Kiyoomi's wife."

"Bokuto we're in a hospital. Be quiet." Kiyoomi sighed as he reprimanded his teammate.

"W-We're not yet married." I say before my knees dropped on the floor because of relief.

Luckily, Kiyoomi caught me on time before I could fall on the hard cold ground.

"Y/N are you okay?" Kiyoomi asks.

"I.. I got so scared. I became a nurse so I could take care of you. But honestly, I couldn't handle the thought of you being confined. I'm sorry.."

"I'm well Y/N, so stop crying okay?" He says as he guides me to standing up. 

Bokuto was cringing at the corner because of me and Kiyoomi's moment. It was as if he wasn't even in pain.

In the end, everything went well. Bokuto got discharged, but he was now wearing an arm sling. Kiyoomi went back with him, relieved with his health. As for me, I received a scolding from my superior because she said that I was being too carefree with my patients.

When I got home, Kiyoomi was there on my sofa without his face mask on. I gave him a spare key in case things like this happen. I let him be, while I took a quick bath and sat beside him afterwards. We were watching Netflix when suddenly, he blurted out something unexpected.

"Y/N nurse me."

"Pardon?" My eyes widened from confusion.

"Please." He says as he stare into my (e/c) eyes.

"But you're not even sick?"

"I just want to experience being pampered with my own personal nurse."

I chuckled at his adorable state, took my uniform, and 'played hospital' with my boyfriend.

"I'm going to take your temperature okay?" I inserted a thermometer under his armpits, to which it gave a result of 35 degree Celsius.

I still don't get the point of doing this with him.

"See, you're not even sick." I told Kiyoomi.

"Then check my forehead and you'll see."

I sighed before doing so. I leaned in closer to him and placed my palm on his forehead. Without further ado, Kiyoomi trapped me in his toned arms, pulling me with him into the floor.

"Kiyoomi are you insane?" I say in an amused tone.

We both laughed at the situation we were in, until the aura became romantic. Kiyoomi cupped my cheek to give me a passionate kiss on the lips. I followed his lead, with all my thoughts being silenced, only focusing on Kiyoomi.  Even after all this time, I could never get tired of this sweet tender feeling I shared with him. 

I started to become more aggressive as to removing my boyfriend's clothes. But he held to my hand, signaling me to stop. Furthermore, we sat down from our position on the floor.

"What's wrong?" I asked nervously.

Did I do something that offended him?

"Y/N..." He says softly.


  "Do you want to start living in together with me?"

After years of being together, he finally had the initiative to ask me about sharing one roof. No sense of doubt crossed along my mind because I knew that this was one of the moments I have been waiting for. 

"Of course!" I tackled him with a hug, and we were once again lying down on the floor.

"Y/N.. You're heavy.." Kiyoomi complained.

"I don't care! I'm happy!" 

I nudged my nose into his neck. He gave a small chuckle and his arms were back to wrapping my body.

"By the way," I asked him as I moved backwards to face Kiyoomi. "When will you propose to me?"

His happy faced shifted into an emotionless one. "Alright let's stand up now." 

"I-I'm just kidding!!" I pinned him to the floor before he can escape from my embrace.

A playtime hospital with my clingy boyfriend, suddenly turned into an intimate and memorable moment.

.・゜-: ✧ :- Author's Note .・゜-: ✧ :-

Of course, we all know what happened between lovers who are lying down on the floor... ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  end of chapter 37—

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