25: decision

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Inside my heart, there was pain with what Komori said. I didn't know whether I should follow my heart or my mind. It took a few days before I finally decided to confront the matter.  Why am I the one acting up and not him? Because it's up to  my answer on how this relationship will go. 

[ 1 sent message to Sakusa Kiyoomi ]

You: Let's talk.

I invited Sakusa inside my home so that no one can disturb us as we discuss seriously. Heavily breathing with my chest racing, I heard a knock . I stood up from my seat, gripped on the cold round knob to open the door that was separating our presences.

Here I go...

As the door made its creaking sound, there he was with his usual get up. His hands inside the pockets of his jacket, his curly black hair, and the face mask that was covering the beauty within him. It made me nostalgic to see Sakusa again after days of distancing myself from him. There was a pain in the chest. Was it because of frustration? Or was it because that I missed him? 

There was no response from Sakusa when we both revealed ourselves to each other. He stood there completely in silence as if he was visiting a stranger's house. The closeness in the  bond that we once had, vanished in a glimpse of the eye. I don't blame him though. I blocked him, refused to answer his calls, and avoided him every time he tries to fix us.

"Hey." I finally greeted him awkwardly.

Still, he remained to be silent.

Fuck this. 

Without giving any thought to my actions, I grabbed Sakusa by the arm to pull him inside my house. I first shut the door close then went back to him. I hugged him, burying my face on his chest.

"Sakusa-san. I'm sorry. I know what you did was frustrating but I was also at fault. I didn't try to listen to you nor let you explain. I even blocked you because I was too guilty, because afraid of you."

Tears ran through my eyes, making Sakusa's shirt wet. I continued to talk even when my voice was shaky.

"Komori-san told me how much you loved me. He told me how you smile whenever I'm the topic of the discussion. How you try so hard to pick a gift for me. How you wake up 2 hours early before heading out for our date. I'm sorry because I doubted your feelings for me.  I thought you were still using me and I—"

I finally stopped with my thoughts all mangled up. I was crying so hard, trying to grasp for air. After a few minutes, Sakusa  held onto my shoulders as he separated himself from me.

"L/N" Sakusa said blankly. Though his hands were still placed on my shoulders.

To be honest, I didn't know what he would do next. Based from his reactions starting from when he got here, it was evident that he was furious. He didn't show any sign of reminiscence, and it looked like he got over me quick. But if he wants to break up with me then I'll respect his decision. Although I don't know if I would be able to move on from my first true love. Closing my eyes that were still crying, I readied myself to Sakusa's response.

In the midst of darkness, I felt a warm peck on my lips. It was dry yet so soft. My eyes widened open to see Sakusa's hand caressing my cheek, while the other wiping off my tears.  His mask was now also placed on his chin. Otherwise, our lips couldn't have met.


"L/N. Please forgive me for not telling you sooner. I-I was scared that you would end up leaving me if I told you. But not telling you just made things worse. I'm sorry. But do know, that my feelings for you are real. I would never want to leave you L/N." 

And with that, our faces were only centimeters away. I could feel his breath onto my face as he leaned closer to me. I closed my eyes, knowing what was about to happen. My lips still felt empty after waiting for his, only to find out that he kissed my forehead.

"Patience dear." Sakusa said as he gave a small chuckled in front of me.

A gush of heat ran throughout my body because of my mind that was filled with semi-dirty thoughts. "I-I DIDN'T EXPECT A KISS YOU KN--" 

But my rant was cut off when Sakusa placed his hand on the back of my head to guide my face closer to his. He was now kissing me on the lips, stroking my hair gently. He bit my lower lip,  causing my knees to weaken. When I got into the moment, I closed my eyes and cupped his face with my hand.  Then I returned back the kiss, giving a faint sound of a groan. Eventually, we parted away from each other, both red-faced from the first experience we had. He grabbed my hand and I got his.

"Y-You.." I began to stutter from words.

"Y-You? What is it L/N?" Sakusa says, getting shy. 

"Y-You're a great kisser.."

"S-Shut up.." He replied back simultaneously averting his eyes from mine.

And so, we were able to fix things after days of quarreling. It wasn't just us who paved way for our reconciled relationship, but Komori was also partially to credit for telling me the truth about Sakusa's feelings.

Flashback *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"You know L/N.."

"What is it?"

"Kiyoomi is actually madly in love with you."

My eyebrows flinched from what he told me. "If you're trying to defend your cousin then just drop it."

I didn't want to listen to him but as I've known, Komori won't stop blabbering until he tells me everything. From there, he stated all the things I've told Sakusa when I ranted out to him today. 

"Kiyoomi loves you so much. He'd smile whenever you're the topic of the discussion. He tries so hard to pick a perfect gift for you. He even wakes up 2 hours early before heading out for your dates. He's feelings are genuine and its the first time he actually fell in love with a girl. If that won't convince you then I don't know what you should believe anymore L/N."

I was dumbfounded with what he said, causing me to feel guilty.

"Thanks for telling me the truth Komori-san."

"Anytime." He says with a faint smile.

.・゜-: ✧ :- Author's Note .・゜-: ✧ :-

Hey hello! Please let me know in the comments if you want me to finish this book or to just continue to make it longer. I can adjust for my dear viewers to whichever they enjoy. Also, thank you for the reads and votes, I truly love everyone !! (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*)

— end of chapter 25—

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