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After hanging out at the mall, we had said our goodbyes and Ethan thanked me one last time before returning back home with the phone I bought him. All I could feel was the giddiness and happiness right now.  Apart from the fact that it hurt me to witness him tear up for the first time, I'm so ecstatic from just seeing him so grateful and delighted. Here I am listening to the late-night radio as I drive back to the dorms under the starry night sky. I heave a serene breath as I relaxed down to my seat and grip on the wheel. But I've been kinda lying to myself about something: I didn't really get to finish my homework, which I'm definitely fucked if I don't get it done in time, but it was undoubtedly worth procrastinating on just to be with Ethan.


After a while, I had parked in front of the dorm building, there were few cars more than usual here as well. I got out and made sure to lock my vehicle. Entering the front doors and towards the corner leading to my hallway, I almost bumped into a girl that seemed to be in a hurry, "oh, sorry," we both apologized simultaneously. From what I could see, she had messy hair, and her shirt was ruffled. She flashed a quick smile at me before excusing herself to rush out. Unusual, but I brushed it off and continued down the corridor to my dorm room. I tried to turn the knob but it was locked, though I could hear a bit of fumbling from inside. I gave it a little knock in an attempt to see if Damian is in. "You're back already?" I could hear his voice through. The handle twists and the door creaks open, "yo, did you forget something or-" he cuts himself off immediately as he realizes it was me. "O-oh! J-Jackson!" He sounded surprised.

"Umm... yeah? It's me," I nodded. Damian was shirtless, only in his shorts. His hair was disheveled and his muscles moist with what appears to be sweat. The first thing that I saw when I stepped in was how messy his bed was; his sheets were almost off, his pillow oddly placed on the other side of his mattress, and half of his blanket is on the floor.  Uhhh... don't mind that," he waves it away.

I couldn't help but act so puzzled, because not only was it an eyesore to look at, but the scent of sweat in the air hit me, "dude, what the hell happened in here?" I fanned around my face using my hand.

"I was... umm..." his eyes darted around as if he was trying to come up with an obvious excuse, "working-out here, duh," he rolls his eyes.

"Why would you do it here? The gym doesn't close in an hour," I raised a brow at him.

"I just wanted a bit of privacy for myself, you know?" He sighs then walks up to the desk by the corner and leans down to the small trash bin. Taking off the plastic bag from inside, he ties the handles together in a knot and pulls it out, "I'm gonna just bring this to the disposal bin, be right back in a minute," he says, leaving still only in his shorts, and thankfully the door open for the smell to exit. I shook my head, not bothering to theorize what antics he did while I was out. Coming back to the realization that I have yet to finish my work, I grabbed my backpack from my side of the room and opened it to bring out my assignments. Taking all of the papers and books to the table, I had accidentally dropped my pencil which also rolled under Damian's bed in the process. Placing my stuff on the table's surface, I bent down to try and grab it. My fingers searched around only to feel a small plastic wrapper instead. Wondering what it was. I pulled it out to check what it was. At first, I thought it was an opened up candy package, but when I read the label, it most certainly wasn't candy, "Durex size:L"

Dude... what. the. fuck.


I had my earphones plugged into my ears as I focused on my work. Just then, Damian came back and stood by the door, swaying it back and forth to help fluctuate the air. I only blinked at him and immediately went back to stare at my papers. After a while, he came back in and closed the door, paced around for a bit, and was tidying up his sleep area. After a mediocre clean-up, he inspected the surrounding parts around, the sides, and under. I was trying my best not to watch, but I could tell from the corners of my eyes that he had picked up his damn condom wrapper and quickly stuffed it in his pockets. He discreetly looked up to face me but I made sure to act like I had seen nothing. Later, he relaxed and laid down on his bed with arms behind his head. "So... how has your evening been?" He asked.

Raising a brow, pulling out my earphones, settling down my pencil, I turn to him, "erm... it was less crazy than yours... I guess is what I could say..."

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