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During the time of working out, I was also partly interacting with Peter and Damian. I could see that Peter really isn't very athletic nor strong. Casually doing pull-ups whilst occasionally glancing at them, he was struggling to lift about 20 curls of 15 pounds. Though, Damian is honestly patient as well as gentle with him, carefully guiding and making sure he isn't straining himself, "careful buddy, it's okay if you can't do all."

"Heh, sorry, I'm so weak and out of shape," Peter mumbled, embarrassed.

"Don't sweat it," Damian smirks, giving a friendly pat on the back. Though, it looked more of a smack due to the fact that he must have underestimated his strength, causing Peter to stumble off of his seat, "oh shit! You okay?"


When we finished up, Peter had to leave early to do some business, leaving Damian and me to get dressed in the locker room since it's his time out. Changing clothes, I turned to him, "you're pretty nice to that little guy."

"Can't blame him, dude," shutting his storage, his palm lingered on the cold metal surface, "kinda reminds of my little bro."

Blinking, I suspended the strap of my bag over and kept face to him, "oh yeah?"

"I couldn't help it. Even though it's been about 3 and a half months. You kinda get homesick you know? "

I see what he's talking about, and I can feel the same emotions. Especially with that talk with my dad, it made me realize how much of a difference college life is in terms of family. Which got me curious. "Hey umm... Damian?" I mumbled with a low voice.

"Yeah?" He says, adjusting his tight shirt.

"Your brother came out of the closet. Well, more like exposed. How's he doing now?"

There was a faint dim flicker in his eyes. After grabbing his stuff, he sighs, "Michael's fine at the moment, I guess. But, just soon when he admitted, dad forced him to break up with his boyfriend," there was a mixture in his mood, sad but mostly contained anger, "'dads' man, they can be so..." a sigh of frustration rumbled out of his mouth.

I was too, "do... do you think it's a good idea if I told my family?"

Damian shot his head towards me, "you're thinking of doing that?"

It was a mortifying thought. It scares me. Even though I've come clean to Damian, having to tell my parents was another thing. It was why I kept silent to myself for so long during high school, because I was afraid. His brows furrowed with worry, "are you sure you want to do this?"

I don't know either, "not entirely sure. But, at some point, they have to know. They 'will' know. I want to be free, and I don't want to keep hiding forever...

I want to be with Ethan."

Damian swallows a lump in his throat and purses his lips, "if... if you think it's what you really need to do, understand that it can change a lot of things in your life. The reality about this world is that not everyone is accepting...

...You may think that the future is bright for people like you. Just because all your friends and people around you are nice, doesn't mean you will never encounter someone the same. There will always be people who would dislike you for who you are."

Damian closes his eyes for a moment, "but, we can continue to push forward and change everyone's view little by little. It'll be tough, but you can show that you're human, and that you deserve to be happy," he gives a stern gaze at me with determination. Even though my problem doesn't exactly concern him, he's advising his best for me.

"If you do tell, and it may not go as you wanted, I'm here for your bro. Though, let's hope it does turn out well," Damian grins with a thumbs up.


I got a text from Ethan that they finished up and just now brought Kenny to Kyle's apartment. It's the evening with the sun almost ready to set. They both must be tired after spending about hours in there, but I wanted to ask Ethan if we could spend time together.

Waiting for a reply, he said that he'd love to but if I'd pick him up from his place. I told him that's no problem and that I'd be there as quickly as possible.

Just as I sent that text, I hastily gave myself a wash at the dorm showers and rushed back over to change in my room. Damian, sat on his bed took a glimpse up away from his phone. Rummaging through my shirts and pants, pulling out a nice polo and black pants to suit myself. "Got a date?" He raises a brow.

"You could say that," I replied with a smirk, buckling a belt around my waist.

"Must be nice, wish could date with someone cute," he sighs.

Grabbing my keys as they jangled from my hand, I waved goodbye to him as I closed the door and left. For tonight, I'm feeling extra fancy and thought of having dinner with him on the last floor of the mall. I may be blowing off my savings, but I'm sure it'll be worth it for Ethan. As I made it to the parking lot, I got in my car and started the engine. Pulling out my wallet from my pocket, I checked to see that my debit card is there and that I have enough cash worth 2 months of rent. Pulling back from the driveway, I rode over to Ethan's place under the golden tainted sky.

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