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I had a dip of my toes on my first day of work. It was pretty hot and humid in the big greenhouse. Because of that, I thought that it would be okay to take off my shirt for the meantime and tended the plants since I was the only one working. I had a towel wrapped around the back of my neck to reduce sweat. Lets just say, I didn't think some students would be able to see me clearly through the tinted glass walls because I caught a few girls ogling at me with smiles and waves through the glass. When I waved back at them with a grin, they were giggling as they passed by. Sometimes I wish I could say the same for Ethan, or at least have an idea of how he feels about me. It took about almost half of the day and I was beginning to feel hungry. Once again, my obsessed brain wonders to Ethan and his workplace; but that got me thinking: is it obvious and weird that I keep going back? I palmed my face in embarrassment. Gosh I'm a hopeless simp!


After I was done, I headed back to the dorm after getting cleaned up and redressed. Right as I was about to reach out for the door knob, it turns by itself and opens revealing Damian, "oh, hey dude, I'm going out to get something. I found online that someone is selling a mini fridge for a pretty good deal," he says.

"Can I have a look?" I said. He pulls out his phone and scrolls through it. Showing a picture on a post, it looked basic, but at least it didn't look like shit that belongs to a hillbilly. I thought: if he was gonna go buy it, we should at least have something to put it in. "Oh okay then, if you do end up getting it, I'll go off to the grocery, bring some drinks and other stuff," I planned.

"Sounds good dude, anyways, see you later," He nods and walks off. Looking inside, this fucker's part of the room is messy as hell. I stared at his unmade bed, a bag of chips laid around the floor as well as papers. I shook my head and sighed, "he should get a trashcan too," I murmured to myself. Laying my stuff aside, I knelt down to reach my duffle bag underneath my bed and pulled out some new clothes. Taking them with me as well as a towel, I walked around the place to look for the shower area. I saw a sign in the corner that hung on the wall that showed the directions. Following it, I remembered the area which was surprisingly clean. I could hear at least one shower head running, but I don't have a problem with that. Finding a spot for my own, I stripped off and turned it on.

"Shit!" I yelled out it splashed on my body.

"Yeah, you need to wait for it to heat up before getting in. The water's freezing," the guy who was in the other stall advised. I forgot that was the case of bathing here.


After washing up, I returned to our dorm. I laid my used clothes on the pile and stared at it. We need a basket too. I frowned. Hopefully my pay can get us what we need. I grabbed a simple shirt and jeans and wore my last few pieces of fresh clothes. Great, just adding a few more tasks on my to-do list. Grabbing my keys and headed towards the parking lot, I got in my car and drove off the the grocery store.


Walking down the aisles with a pack of sodas, I was curious to check how much packaged noodles cost. Reaching the Asian section, I stared at the low prices and blinked with astonishment. I guess it's no joke as to why college kids stereotypically have it on their daily diet. Picking up a few, I see a pair approaching from the corners of my eye. "Wait..." I grumbled. Coincidentally, not only Ethan, but that girl is with him checking the other stuff on the shelves. S-should I run and hide or...

"Hi Jackson!"

...or not. I look at him and gave a bashful wave, "h-hey Ethan," I smile. The girl stands by while he strikes for a conversation. "How have you been?" I ask.

"Doing well actually. Oh, I should tell you guys..." Ethan's focus darts from me to the girl, "I work at this one place, you should come over and eat sometime. I can handle the kitchen now," he announces to both of us.

"I'll be the judge," she giggles.

Ethan laughs along, "anyways, Kyomi this is Jackson, Jackson this is Kyomi," he introduces. The two of us look at each other. She takes the initiative and pulls out her hand out for a shake.

"Yep, that's me, I'm Kyomi," she says with a greeting smile.

Blinking, I take her hand and gave it a shook, "I'm Jackson."

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