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Stopping by at the restaurant, Jackson stood out for a second to stare at the sign with the place's name written on it. He was in deep, thinking. "You ever wondered why it's the place is called 'Romantic pairs?'"

I shrug, unsure of myself as I hadn't put much figuring to it, "maybe it was foreshadowing us," I joked.

Jack rolls his eyes but smiles along, "yeah, sure, haha."

Once again, he took the initiative to open the door for us. With the bell ringing, we first see Carla still at the register. Only now that I remember that she mentioned having to stay way later to resolve her work schedule, "you're back-" she immediately cut off when realizing that Jackson had come along, "I see, I see." Queuing behind a faintly short line, it didn't take much for us to sign up our order. Carla was glad to help, possibly due to the fact that Jackson and I are having dinner at such a place. With it written down, she escorted us to a rather private section on the corner with a small circular table meant for 2. Still, it's a pleasant area and is away from other people who are still occupying some tables. It also seems that she was putting more attention towards us than the extra patrons which was honestly hilarious. "I'll be over in a while to bring your guy's drinks," she says before attending other duties.

Now, we're left alone with the ambiance of clattering cutlery, spoken voices, and the company of each other, "how has your day been?" Jack asked, a handsome grin curved.

"It's lovely. The flowers you gave me smell so sweet, not to mention to really improved your singing actually."

Jackson irresistibly tinted with pink once more from such a compliment, "thanks," he smirks.


At the time, I wanted to snag a picture of the two of us. Pulling out my phone, I gestured Jack to join me with the selfie, "cheese!" I didn't even delay one bit to post it on Instagram. Minutes of waiting, Carla returned with our dishes. The aromatic scent drew saliva from my mouth. Jack got himself some tender buttered steak, I on the other hand got sizzling lamb chops dashed with delicious seasoning and garnish. The fat glistened on the meat, shining and making it look even tastier. "Enjoy your meal, holler when you need me," Carla waves before excusing. Just by the view, my stomach growled.

Jack chuckled from hearing it, "heh, hungry?"

I nodded and took hold of my fork and knife. Upon slicing, the blade cut through so easily with little to no pressure, slicing as if it was nothing. Piercing it and placing it in my mouth, a burst of flavors surrounded my tongue. Chewing, I whimpered from the excitement. Jackson was just observing with a soft expression as I took in my food, "you look so cute being cheerful."

"It's so good!" My cheeks were still plump, mouth not having to swallow yet. After finishing the first bite, I immediately divided another piece and used my fork. Raising it, "try it!" I beamed.

Jack blinked and nodded. Closing his eyes, he neared his mouth to my utensil before slowly engulfing his mouth on the food. Taking it in, "yeah, pretty good," he agrees, "but I'm sure you can do better."

We were pretty much exchanging positive comments. I felt pretty giddy, knowing how much I'm falling for him, even more, every second.


We continued getting to understand each other, "so, I wanna know something," he starts.

"What is it?"

"What made you so interested in cooking?"

"Ah, well, my mother and I always handled the kitchen when we were young. She always prepared such wonderful food and I would help her out. The satisfying sound of cutting vegetables on a chopping board, the popping and frying in a skillet, the thick bubbles of broth simmering on a pot. I treasure those moments..." my eyes faltered, reminiscing of the past, "my mom would hum and sing as well while we cooked, which how I came to learn to music too."

Jackson's brows furrowed, listening intently with a faint smile, "that's amazing."

"What about you?" It was my turn to want to question, "you have a fascination for gardening, right?"

"Same as you to be frank. Growing up, my dad and I would tend the patch of vegetables in the backyard of our house. Seeing my creation start off as a seed and manage to develop into something more, it was just so appealing to me. My dad noticed how fond I was of taking care of the garden and would encourage me a lot. We took great care of it together, and bonded at the same time..." His voice fades at the end of the sentence, almost as if the mere mention of his father made a disturbance.

Placing a hand on top of his that was set to the side of his plate, "do you miss your dad?" He nods silently.

"Yeah, I miss my mom too..."


It was starting to get late so I drove Jackson back to the college campus. It was honestly riveting to be in the vicinity. Looking back, I used to be so attached to the idea of attending college that I would not enjoy other things but to keep the focus on my goal. Now, it seems that I have broken off from that I began taking notice of my surroundings instead. I made new friends, rekindle old relationships, attend the kitchen, and actually like someone a lot. Sat on the car, Jackson gave me a hug as he leaned over to me, "goodbye Ethan," he murmurs, only to tighten his arms as if scared of letting go.

Lingering, I sunk in, "goodbye Jackson."

With that, he got off and waved to me through the window.


When I got back home, I picked up the roses but left Kenny's book at the back of the car. Taking my keys, I unlocked the front door to the apartment to see dad waiting by the living room couches with the television on. He sees me, "ah, hey buddy." When I walked up to him, he sees the wrapped arrangement of roses in my hand. With a brow raised, he pointed at it, "w-what?"

"Oh, ah, I may have a love interest," I admitted, rubbing my neck.

Dad's eyes widened with glee, laughing with uncontrollable contentment launching to full height, "no way, really?! Is it a girl, or a boy?!"

"Heh, it's uhh, from Jackson..."

"Oh seriously, Jackson?!" He grabs my shoulders, and pats my back with approval and pride, "my son's got a fine catch!" Cheering with enthusiasm.

Yep, I sure did.

THE JOCK JUST WANTS THE NERD [2]Where stories live. Discover now