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"Bye dad, love you," I gave my father a warm hug as he embraced me in return.

"Good luck son, be safe," smiling as he let me go. I head towards the new car that I earned from doing my neighbors' yard and many other chores to have some sort of income. I was grateful to finally have my own source of transportation instead of relying on Noah or Zack. Getting in front of the wheel, I turned on the ignition and shifted to drive. Waving goodbye to my dad who stood watching from the front door, I headed to my new part-time job. Really needed a new car for myself because having to walk there would've probably cost me to waste two hours of work. I get to work as a cook in a cute restaurant, which I was surprised they hired me so easily. Culinary is my passion; loving food, and making it. Being younger at the time, my mother made the most amazing, mouthwatering dishes ever. She also introduced me to Korean cuisine which I really loved. Her homemade cooking is what got my dad and my stomach to always rumble in hunger.


"Hello there Ethan, ready to start your first day?" My manager, Mrs. Pamela, said to me sweetly as she was waiting the whole time.

"Yes mam," I said cheerfully. She smiles, passing through the checkout counters and leads me towards the kitchen. Opening the doors, there were two other people in here; a girl who I had a conversation with during my training, and a boy washing dishes. "Carla, Kenny..." Pamela said, grabbing both of their attentions. They turned to look at us, "this here is Ethan your new coworker."

"You did it!" Carla cheered happily while maintaining the order she was cooking at the same time. I gave her a grin and turned to Kenny who paid hardly any attention, he just stared with a stoic look before going back to work on cleaning the sink. Pamela turns to me, "at the moment, it isn't busy at all which should be nice for you. Your main task for today is to help assist Carla. You can ask them for any help or come to my office, okay?" She says.

"Yes mam, I'll do good" I replied confidently. She nods, leaving the three of us in the kitchen.

I went beside Carla near the stove, "You got the job! Proud of you," she gives a playful punch to my arm.

I chuckled, "thanks, I'm excited to work with you."

"I am too."


I was halfway done with my seven-hour shift. It ends in four and people are beginning to pile up since it is now lunchtime. A couple of other coworkers also came in later on. We introduced ourselves and with additional working hands, Carla, Kenny, and I got to take our break. The three of us were sat in the private back area of the restaurant so we could eat in peace. I pulled out my lunch box from my bag and revealed rice, egg, and neatly sliced vegetables, seasoned with pepper and chia seeds. "Woah..." Carla said in amazement as she gleamed over my food, "I definitely see why Pamela wanted you to work here," she said. Feeling  flattered from her compliment, I let out a chuckle. Kenny raised a brow and looked at my food, he kept silent and munched on his rather small sandwich. "Don't you think it looks delicious?" Carla turned to him who still showed no care or other emotions besides looking uninterested. I felt a bit awkward as I looked at Carla who rolled her eyes, "geez you're so unsociable," she sighed. Kenny shrugged and finished his sandwich in only three bites total. He stood up from his seat and walked towards the locker area by the corner and opened his compartment. Taking out his small bag, he pulled out a few papers and placed them over a separate desk in the other side of the room and started writing on it. I looked at Carla who was pouting, staring at the lonesome boy. "Is he okay?" I asked her quietly.

"He's always like that, I try talking to him but it's just so hard to get him to respond. I don't think I've ever even seen him break into a smile," she says with a bit of sadness. I glanced back at him, his back was slightly hunched over his papers as if he was trying to focus hard.

"Should I... try talking to him," I wondered, asking Carla if she thought it could be a good idea.

She tilts her head, "you can try," she says.

I pulled myself out of my chair with my lunch box in hand. Walking over to Kenny, I tapped on his shoulder. His hand stopped as he slowly turns to me with a leer. "Umm... hi Kenny," I started. His brow raised suspiciously, but kept his attention towards me, "Whatcha doing?"

He shook his head, "homework," muttered. I was about to respond when there was a sound of something groaning. It looked like he winced and clutched his stomach. A surge of ruth rushed through me as I stared at him, "would you... like to have some?" motioning my lunch box to him. He pauses for a moment, staring at my food. Kenny gives me a frown then sighs. Taking my lunchbox from my hands, he places it beside his desk papers delicately, "thanks, I'll give the container back to you when I'm done," nodding. I gave him a smile before returning back to Carla.

"How was it?" She said, putting down her phone that apparently she was looking at the entire time I was interacting with Kenny.

"It went well," I smiled.

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