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"I'm just here to do some groceries with my dad when I bumped into her, then you."

Jackson asked how I came to be. Looking back to check on Kyomi who returned on her search of seaweed paper. The two of us planned on hanging out at my place tomorrow since we found out that we are both free for that day. I thought of making us some sushi, "cheap ones" to be specific. "What about you?" I asked.

"Pretty good..." He places a hand on his hip, "Damian's supposedly going to buy a mini-fridge for our dorm while I get us some drinks," he says.

"You guys seem to be going along and have your lives on track."

"Yeah, Also, I got to start my first day in gardening. Not bad," he clicked his tongue with a grin and a finger gun. I chuckled at his cheesiness. What a funny dork. 

"Ah, there you are," I hear my dad's voice. The three of us turn to my dad approaching who's pushing our cart. "Oh wait, Jackson?" My dad asked curiously.

"Um yes?" Jackson replied, his eyes roamed from me, to my dad, then to Kyomi, as if trying to analyze our resemblance, "your dad?" He turns to me, in which I nodded to. "Oh, well it's nice to meet you sir," this time, Jackson held his hand for a shake and my dad took him with a strong grip as both men shook.

"Ah, it's good to see my dear boy reuniting and making new friends," My dad gave a playful pat on my shoulder.

"Here it is," Kyomi returned with a pack of nori and placed it into our cart. It seems that my dad wanted to have a chat with Jackson, seeing that both are occupied in a conversation with smiles. Turning to Kyomi who was also now inspecting packs of ramen, she picked up one that had the label that I somehow remember from the very past. Pointing at it, I mentioned, "isn't that the one that nearly killed me?" I said.

She glances at me and laughs, "you remember?" She waves the noodles at me. The package was crimson red along with black, fire, and chilly peppers decorated around it, not to mention the excessive hyperbole "death" written on it with Hangul. "You wanted to taste," she laughed.

"I don't know how you eat that," I rolled my eyes.

She shrugs and jokingly adds, "Korean genes."

Shaking my head, I wondered, "I don't mean to be invasive, but I've been thinking how you get your money?"

"Ah..." she nods, holding her noodles on her hand, "how do I say this..." her behavior switches as if she feels embarrassed, "it's from online and..."

"And?" I tilt my head.

"Youtube?" She hangs her head low, covering her red face with her hair. I didn't quite understand. How does an online video platform contribute to earning mula?

"Okay?" I said questioningly.

"Yep, I get it," she sighs and dismisses the topic with a wave of her hand, "so you don't know about my videos? I can show you," she smiles.

I get a tap on my shoulder. I face backward to see my dad with Jackson standing beside, "we should invite Jackson over tomorrow." It seemed out of nowhere, and It was honestly a surprise. I peer over to Jackson, who didn't expect the suddenness of it too. On the other hand, I don't see why not, but it's all up to Jackson if he wants to, "sure, are you okay with it?" I asked him.

Blinking and cheeks tinted," y-yeah, that would be cool," he grins, lowkey projecting a bit of giddiness in his smile.

"You don't mind, right?" I then glimpsed over to Kyomi.

"It's fine," she replied nonchalantly.

After a while, Jackson had to leave eventually. He waved a goodbye whilst Kyomi and I continued to wander around the store. She had her bag with her that contained some food for her own. My dad offered to bring her to her place afterwards which she politely declined and said it wasn't necessary. She mentioned that she was gonna call a taxi. I would observe the kind of stuff she would buy, mostly consisting of spicy stuff. She sure loves the heat; it's like it doesn't bother her at all. When roaming around, she would hum a familiar tune, no words, just the melody. "Why does that sound familiar?" I asked her.

She turns to me with a surprised face, "I'm disappointed..." she frowned, but almost as if it was a joke.

"Is it something important?" I blinked.

"We used to always sing and dance to k-pop. It was like our thing when we were young," she grinned, lightly slapping my arm.

"Oh yeah, you introduced me to it," I was beginning to recall.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't be 'that' shocked that you can barely remember. It took a while to get you into it," she heaves a sigh.

"Well, at least I gave in and am now addicted," I smiled.

She mirrors my expression, "glad to know we still hold our memories as childhood friends together. Who knew that after all these years, we'd get separated and meet up again later..."

"Yep, childhood friends..."

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