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Last night.

Giving him a final hug as a farewell, "Goodnight Jack," whispering enough for him to hear.

A few seconds later, we part and he takes a step down, "Bye Ethan, g'night," smiling tenderly with a wave. Watching him proceed to his car, the subtle engine echoes in the neighborhood before depleting to a muted murmur. Locking up, a sudden burst of euphoria consumed me. Loud thumping of hops and dancing while I spun in circles. Barely holding myself, body chucked on the sofa while face bared a huge grin that felt like it wouldn't go away.

Pulling back together, I noticed the clock and how late it was. It had been a while and it should be time for bed now. Entering the bathroom, I washed myself up and went on doing my night routine. Cleaning, brushing, I opened up the medicine cabinet to realize that I still have my anti-depressants. Taking it to my palm, my finger brushed over the container that was half-full. Right now, I could sense the dark imagination flowing. But the thing is, I'm not afraid, nor do I feel sad at all by the sight of it.

Blinking, perhaps I found a reason to stay happy without these anymore and didn't bother to take a pill.

Placing them back to where they belong, I snuggled to the softness of my bed and immediately fell asleep with the sweet dreams of Jack.


It was pretty soon when I gave a bit of insight to Kenny and Carla. The scoop was enough to set her into a gossiping mess, wanting to learn more of what had happened. She could barely focus on her tasks, consistently questioning and taking off her attention from the stove as if it was less important. "Dumbass, you're gonna set the place on fire if you keep doing that," Kenny rolled his eyes as he glanced from the front counter, noticing her prancy mood.

"Shut up," Carla retorted with a low groan, "tell me when it's break time in that case," her eagerness anticipated as she went back to cooking in order to avoid Kenny's sass. I giggled a bit before going back to my own job. The usual day went by; we served, patronized, and repeated.

When time is up for us to have a little lunch, it didn't take long for Carla to hasten with the interview. Huddling over to the table with food in front of us, the two of them lent me their attention intently. Proceeding to recap the scenario, gesturing to tell the tale. It was almost as if I was speaking up to present a story. They were quite intrigued, carefully taking in the information. Carla's expression shined brightly and Kenny seemed a bit apprehensive. "Why 'did' you decided to tell now after waiting?" He asked, wondering the same thing.

Rubbing my arm, I shuffled from my chair, "umm..." how do I put this. Letting out a sigh, my vision drifted to the floor, "I like this other girl for a long time now. It's just that, thinking if I continue to push forward, the outcome may not be well played for both of us." Describing further about the situation of Kyomi's ambitions and reason, Carla nods her understandably.

I added a bit more commentary, "thing is, I don't really have much of a preference. I like anyone for who they are, can get attached quite easily," blush washed over my cheeks at the words. The entirety was just a discussion of yesterday's event. At some point, it was stirred to different topics. Carla remarked about something in the middle of our chat. Apparently, she's having a bit of a financial problem at the moment so she wanted to fill up more hours this week. It was made to point that Kenny would need a ride from me for now. "Sorry you guys," Carla apologizes.

"At least I don't have to listen to your terrible taste in radio music," Kenny stoically teases.

Her head turns to with a wrinkly and unamused expression, "okay you know what, maybe I don't feel sorry for 'you'" she sticks her tongue out.


When mine and Kenny's shifts have come to an end, we gave Carla a farewell as we made our way to the exit. Getting out, side by side, walking towards my car. Settling in, I decided to check up on him, "still no bike?"

"Well, I'm looking up for some guidance tips online. Using some of my own money to find equipment to patch it up."

I sighed and started the engine. Driving around, Kenny decided to speak up more, "so, you and Jackson are a thing now?"

With a little simper, my fingers brushed over the wheel, "not necessarily, it's not official yet."

Kenny stares before pressing himself to the seat. Laying his head on the rest, marveling in his mind, "he seems nice. Hey, what was your high school like, Ethan?" He faces me.

A rise of questions, keeping my sight on the road, "erm, everyone was pretty nice. Why ask?"

"Nothing much, just sort of wish that I switched out of my old one."


Fragments of memory were vague as it was hardly notable for me to know where he lives again. "Sorry, it's been a while. Can you repeat your address?" I said to him.

"21 Jump St."

Minutes later, passing through different narrow paths, the familiar aging residential area came into view. When eventually finding his house on the distance, I slowed down to the side and parked by. Kenny thanks me for the ride home. "I appreciate that you kept it silent the entire time. Better than Carla's experience, her playlist is just loud as hell," then, the unexpected happened. He smiled and chuckled a tiny bit. Accidental? Didn't matter. I was shocked to see him look happy for once.

"Anyways, goodbye Ethan," gesturing before making way to his place.

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