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It just came to my mind that Kenny is also studying here in Cal. I asked him a few questions about it and he made me quite intimidated by how scarily intelligent he is: early graduate, 4.2 GPA, all high-honors, and taking medical courses. Fuck man... he makes me feel so dumb when he discussed about his achievements. There was another piece of detail he told me; he said he used to go to TopStar high which raised me a few quizzical thoughts. I tried questioning him what it was like but he said he didn't want to talk about it. All he said was that it was a hell-hole for him and that he hated that place to dirt. I wondered if he had work today and he told me that his job starts in the afternoon at 3. I asked if he had a way for getting to his job, in which he responded with, "yes, I ride a bike." Feeling a bit bad, I offered him to ride with me and take him there. It was obviously very suspicious sounding at first but I made sure I wasn't going to kidnap him.

After waiting for him to finish his classes, we met up in the parking area on the campus. He told me that he doesn't actually stay in dorms here so he had to take his bicycle along with him all the time to ride back home. I nodded and said that he could fit it in the back of my car. After getting our stuff organized and Kenny's bike secured, I drove us to the restaurant. A part from of me wanted to genuinely help out Kenny because I pitied the guy, but I was mainly excited to see Ethan again.

The moment we stepped in, we were greeted by an enchanting voice, both our heads turned immediately to Ethan as he was singing a song.

I felt myself freeze in astonishment as I was in a trance, staring at him like nothing else mattered at the moment. A girl in uniform came up to him acting all merry. "And you're here too!" Ethan exclaimed, snapping me out of my gaze.

"Uh... y-yeah! I'm back," I laughed clumsily, my cheeks heating, staring at the boy. I don't know why, but every time I'm near him I either lose my nerve or getting really delighted.

"Are you here to get something to eat?" He asked.

My eyes gleamed as I thought that maybe there was a possibility that they could be hiring here. Not only will I find a place to earn some cash, but that also meant spending more time with Ethan. "Erm... No, actually, I- I was wondering if this place could use some more employees," I grinned. Ethan and the girl gave looks at each other before turning to me.

"I dunno..." The female employee looked at me with a pout.

I frowned, "what?"

"Ethan was enough to put us back in order. I'm not sure if Pamela, our manager, needs any more extra hands," she tilts her head.

"W-well... could you maybe at least ask her?" I fiddled with my thumbs.

She sighs, tapping her foot on the ground with hands-on-hips, "I'll see what she has to say..." she nodded, excusing herself.

Left alone with Ethan, he looks at me, "you came here to ask for a part-time job?" He says.

"Well... I'm gonna starve if I don't find a place to work, am I right?" I chuckled. I took a seat on the chair with the table he just cleansed.

"What were you and Kenny doing by the way?" Ethan queried.

"Ah, he actually goes to the same academy as I do, so I proposed to help him with a ride to get here. Did you know he's planning to be a doctor or something?" Ethan's face suddenly shifts into a gloomy mood, "why the long face? D-did I say something wrong?"

He shakes his head and crosses his arms, leaning on the edge of the table, "I just... wish I could go to college too..." he murmured.

"Why can't you?" I sounded curious.

"My dad and I just don't have the funds..."

"What about your mom?" I shouldn't have said that. His eyes looked at me with dejection and the corner of his mouth dropped further. "Shit! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get personal," I waved my hands, trying to apologize while stumbling in my words.

"It's okay," Ethan let out a long breath. I wanted to punch myself for being too invasive. Just then, the same girl comes back to us with her hands in her pockets.

"I am so sorry, but we really aren't accepting anyone right now," she had a tone of regret.

Sadly, I slouched forward in disappointment and ruffled my hair. Well, this is really awkward. I noticed Ethan eyeing me, thinking of something. "Hey, let's not get so down right now. How about I get you a coffee, I'll pay for it," he sends me one of the softest and most comforting smiles I've seen.

"Sure..." I whispered, almost as if he took my breath away. He nods, making his way towards the kitchen. The girl, who saw everything, had been looking back and forth from me to Ethan's direction with an arched brow. I got flustered as I tried to conceal my blush beneath my hands. That only made it suspicious as she followed Ethan into the back.

Oh boy...

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