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Holding my printed resume in hand, I searched for the main office of the campus where Kyle informed me about it. After a few minutes of walking, I arrived at the lobby and found the place where he was referring to. Walking towards a few boards next to a desk where a woman was handling the front desk, I scanned through the hanging notes and papers where there was indeed a flyer about a need of hiring someone for gardening duty. "Do you need anything?" The female clerk asked me as she leaned over to observe.

"Hi, yes, I'm thinking of applying for this specific job," I said, taking the sheet out of the clip it stuck to and pointing at what I was talking about. She takes a moment of consideration before asking me a few more questions to which I confidently answered. She then gives me a set of orders on what to do. She informed me about its other descriptions then records my name, both in a physical file and electronically. She then lends me a document paper than I need to fill in and submit.

After doing so for over about 5 minutes, I gave it back to her and she smiles, "alright, wait here for just a moment," she says before standing up from her seat and retreating to another room. While standing patiently, I pulled out my phone and gave a message to Ethan, "hey uhh... are you free today?" I asked.

Moments later I got back a text from him, "from work? Yeah," he replies.

Grinning happily, I timidly typed, "awesome! Hey, would you like to hang out?"

Staring intently, my eyes glimmered when he responded, "sure, that sounds nice," with a giddy fist pump, I turned around to see that the lady had been looking at me.

"Excited?" She giggled, though, I am in both different reasons. She gives me a copy of the form I finished, "alright, so with this, give it to Mr. Roy, he's the manager for those who want to work in the agricultural departments," she says. With a school campus map, she points at the location where I needed to go to.

"Alright, thank you so much!" I said. With her provided details, I went on and headed towards the place she talked about. It is supposedly somewhere around the back of this one tall building with a lot full of flowers and a massive greenhouse. Luckily, it was easy to spot and I was astonished by how well kept the place is. It had many vibrant flowers, healthy green plants, and the greenhouse is indeed big. I entered the gates and it squeaked a little bit which alarmed someone causing the glass doors of the greenhouse to open. "Oh excuse me," I say to the man who steps out, "are you, Mr. Roy?"

"Why yes, do you need something?" He says.

Bringing out my resume as well as the other papers, I presented it to him, "I was told to meet up with you and ask to apply for gardening work," I said. He takes it to his hands and skims through the contents.

Then, his eyes roamed at me, "so do you think you can handle this?" He raises a brow.

"Yes sir, I enjoy nature as well as tending vegetation. I also do lots of lawn work in my family's place and others as well," I added.

He nods and motions me to follow him inside a moderately sized shed. Walking in, it looks quite spacious, not exactly organized with a few papers lying around and some indoor plants, but still wide. I watch him sit down on his desk chair, "so, anything else you want to discuss?"


I headed out with a huge grin on my face as I was told to be approved and I planned both my payment and schedule. Checking my phone, I have a quick text to Ethan, "sorry for replying late, but would you like me to pick you up?"

He sends back soon, "Sure," then proceeds to tell me his address which I was somewhat excited of, I get to meet him.


Pulling up to the side of the street, I looked up to see the apartment complex. When I got off, the first thing I saw next to the apartment building's bottom stairs were Ethan hugging someone else. At first, I thought it was Annabel or Kate with a different hairstyle, but when they parted, it wasn't someone who I recognize at all. Ethan turns to see me staring and gives a goodbye wave to the girl before jogging to me. "Hi Jackson," he smiles brightly. I leaned sideways to look around him and pointed at the girl who was now walking away in the opposite direction, "w-who's that?" I said.

"Oh, she's a... close friend," he grinned softly. Welp, I do sure hope she is just a friend to him.

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