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Okay, I know breaking down and crying at a place like this while giving a full-on speech of undying love is kinda sappy. But what I didn't expect was the feeling of his plush lips.

I think I might have a heart attack.

The sensation made me all mushy and gushy, oh gosh it feels so good. I wasn't even thinking straight as my body moved on its own, hand reaching out to the back of his neck and pressed him closer and deeper.

We kept kissing, and it escalated more passionately.

I was turning greedy, but Ethan manages to pull it apart before I could dig my tongue in his mouth and make out with him. Although, it's a good thing for him to stop it in a public place such as this.

Man am I panting hard, didn't even remember to breathe at the moment. "H-hold on," I murmured bashfully as I turned around.

When I recomposed myself, I rushed my wrist to fix loose hairs from my forehead and smirked. "A-Anyways. Shall we?" With a brow raised and an elbow nudged for him to take. Lacing his arm and interlocking with mine, I lead us towards a restaurant that I booked a reservation on. The instant we enter, the atmosphere was somewhat intimidating but we ignored it as best as we could. Walking towards the front desk, I spoke our names and were told to wait for a moment. On standby, I peered down at Ethan who was viewing the interior, "how extravagant," he was amazed.

Yeah, it really is: creamy beige cloth covered the dining tables, ambient crystal lights illuminated, and the windows were basically the walls of one side of the building; through it you get a beautiful sight of the urban skyline.

When we were seated, I was very glad we get to sit by the glass view. The waiter was honestly polite as she handed us a leather binder of the menu. "Thanks," we both say in unison before she excused herself.

Ethan glances to the outside and stares in awe, "it's so, pretty..."

"Like it?" I beamed.

"The only time I ever come up here was when Noah brought me and the others along. I'll never get over seeing the city like this."

Letting out a peal of small laughter, I couldn't help watching him appear so astonished. My stomach was fluttering, he even need not to do anything or try yet he'd still be good-looking. Holding up the folder, "order anything you want, let's make this special," announcing to him.

Ethan blinks and peaks through and slowly opens it. Immediately, he clasps his hand over his mouth, "it says 15$ for a salad."

Oh shit.


I may have burned through about a 125$, if not more, but that's fine. To be frank, I barely ever had anything this high-class, and it's interesting to see the different kinds of food they prepared.

I bet this is a daily thing for Noah, and possibly for Brad as well since they're practically almost together now.

Ethan had ordered "grade-A" salmon and steak, with juicy scallops by the side, possibly rosemary finely diced. Mine were roasted prime ribs, tasty fat and sauce running down the meat just with light pressure pressing down on it. The scent enticed my nostrils and my mouth was starting to salivate. "You know, one day, I want to work as a chef at a place like this. If not, better if I could have my own restaurant," Ethan spoke, spewing his dreams and ambitions.

"What about cooking for me?" I joked.

Ethan laughed along, "now that you mentioned it, that would be nice too!"

"I'd bring you the freshest vegetables and fruits so you'd be able to make the most delicious food."

"That will be really amazing, I'd love that."


When we had our fill, we conversed together and forgot about how fast time flew. I paid, (with a bit of a struggle to see how my bills with taxes ate up my wallet) and drove Ethan back home.

When we arrived, I was caught off guard when we noticed Ethan's dad sat down next to the door. He sees us and stands up to approach, "ah there you are," a tone of relief. It wasn't until his attention forwarded to me on the wheel, "enjoyed your time together?" His mood morphed playfully.

Ethan and I gave each other quick glances. Soon, he opened the door and got off, "we just went for dinner dad."

"Who paid?" His dad responded curiously with arms crossed.

With a raise of my hand, "I did sir."

He nods appreciatively. With thumbs up directed to both of us, "you picked a good man, proud of you," encouraging his son with a flash of excitement.

I was taken back, pointing a finger, "he knows?"

Ethan shrugged, "yeah I told him."

His dad shook his hands defensively, "oh, I'm sorry boys. I didn't mean to be invasive. I'm just very happy. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

It was sort of unbelievable to see how this man was so into the idea of his kid dating another guy. But I found it inspiring how he would even be uplifting nonetheless. I couldn't help but blush, "heh, thank you sir."

"Better keep up with treating my boy right okay? So help me, this overprotective father won't let you sleep peacefully," He howled and cackled humorously.

As we all say our farewell. I waved a goodbye at Ethan. In return, he places a sweet kiss on his palm and blew it to me. Catching the imaginary kiss, I patted it on the left side of my chest.

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