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My Dad wanted to see me drive in my own car all the way to Zack's and Davey's place while he observes in the front seat beside me. Delighted, he smiled as he watches me pull up to their driveway with no faults. "Good job" he praised. We both got off at the same time and tidied up, patting ourselves and adjusting our attire. Giving a knock to the front door, it opens up with Davey giving us a smile. "Ethan!" He shines and gives me a hug. Rolling my eyes, I chuckled and returned the embrace.

"Ah, good to see you little Davey," my father heckled and ruffled his nephew's hair. We were invited to enter. Zack was playing video games with his Dad on their TV lounge and they both turned to look at us happily. "Hey Ethan!" Zack beamed with the same energy that his "small" brother had. Our Fathers gave each the other welcoming hugs with pats on their backs. Seeing them interact brought a smile to my face.

"Long time no see," Zack grinned with his soft, innocent, and gentle expression; he must have gotten that from his mother.

"It's only been a couple of months, but sure," I smiled. Footsteps approached from the kitchen along with the sound of melodic humming. There by the door frame, enters Mrs. Hannah Bridge. I walk up to her and gave a warm and tender hug. Glancing up, she holds the same motherly expression, "it's good to see you aunt Hannah," I beamed.

"It's good to see you too," she giggled.

As the adults busy themselves in the dining area, I was left with the Bridge brothers in the living room. Sat alone in an armrest chair, Zack motioned me to join them and patted the area beside him, "come join us Ethan," he said. Tilting my head, I stood up to accompany them and brought myself between the two. "So, how's work been?" Zack grinned, trying to come up with a way to start of conversation.

"Going pretty well, befriended some of my coworkers. Oh, I also actually met Jackson as well," I mentioned.

Zack nodded, "I heard, he told me about it." Davey has most of his attention on the video game and was deathly focused as if it was a major competition.

"What about you? What do you plan to do now that you're a graduate?" I asked.

Zack didn't have an immediate response, instead, his mind had wandered somewhere before he could reply, "actually, I'm just kinda going with the flow," I stared at him with a bewildered expression. What the heck did that mean? "I'm still wondering if I could study further somewhere else, or maybe even abroad if possible. Then again, there's going to the military, which I am not really fond of..." he murmurs that last part.

"Do you not have your future planned already?" I looked at him as if he was crazy. All he did was shook his head. Part of me was a little bit annoyed about his blind future, but after a while, the corners of my mouth turned down at myself; the reason why I felt bothered is because I want to work hard since I'm not as fortunate as he is or any other children in the world that have both parents present in their life. It is another thing I envy and lack: motherly love, or at least the other gaurdian's presence. That's why I always feel elated at the sight of Mrs. Hannah; she helps fill in the void the creeps in my heart. "Sorry, I know I'm being ridiculous. You know, at certain things, I look up to you," Zack murmurs and I shot my sight at him, "you're so determined and strong willed. I know you didn't have a happy beginning, yet you still persevered. Sometimes, I even think you're way better than me at everything..." he still kept the certain affection on his gaze. Is it unusual to think that he gives quite the mom vibes with the way he gives condolences? His voice is light and soothing. My tense body eases as my facial expression softens. A tinge of redness forms on my cheeks by his words, "aww..." I chuckled lightly.

"I win!" Davey shouted with a victorious jump, scaring both Zack and I in the process. The TV blared defeat on both of mine and Zack's characters on the game were supposedly playing. "You two losers suck!" Davey boasted with such arrogance as he released a petty cackle. Zack pouted and I gave him an unamused look. In my defense, I don't play video games at all.

With food on the table and words exchanged, we began feasting with joy. Davey was busy stuffing himself and my Father and his brother shared anecdotes and joked around; the wife joining in along as well. "Keeping in touch with your friends?" Zack asked, a bit of mashed potatoes in his mouth.

"Kinda, Kate and Felix found a place to work at the moment, James actually moved out state which is kinda sad. Annabel is out there somewhere in a different university, and Noah... he has his own business to take care of now," I listed off.

"I heard that he tried persuading Brad so that they could work together in his own section of the company," Zack mentioned as he sipped his cola.

"I find that honestly cool. The sweathearts get to be alongside with each other," I joked. Zack stared at me for a moment and looked like he was pondering something. Soon he asks me a question. "Hey Ethan..." he begins.


"Do you have any interest in someone particular recently?" He says.

"Not... really?" I sounded as if though I was unsure. Zack nodded only to sound mysterious.

"I see..."

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