|85| ~ A Whole New World~

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Embry's POV.

My heart is beating a thunderstorm inside of my chest with every step they take.

Oh, my Goddess! This is not happening! This is not happening, this is not happening I begin to panic.

Like,  how?! How on Goddess earth did the wolves manage to get a hold of them so quickly and where are the others? Did they get away? Are they safe?  Question after question swarming inside of my head causes a flood of anxiety to rush throughout my body acting like an anxious river.

I  can't take this type of pressure and I don't have to because luckily for me, I have my wolf. My more animalistic nature takes completely over, viewing the entire scene in a new light.

All of my senses are overwhelmingly sharper, my vision is much more clear. The world seems to come to life around me as my vision enhances and I take in the guards surrounding my friends.

They just all happen to be members part of the Lycan's Royal Guard, meaning that they are highly crafted in the skill of killing. I watch with wide golden eyes as they bring them closer to the front.

My ears begin to ring as the high-beaming sound of the wolves surrounding us begin to roar in approval while pounding their fist into the air, howling and behaving like nothing but a  pack of wild animals. My wolf ignores the noise and focus, causing our overly-sensitive ears to push past the sounds of chaos.

When we truly focus we are able to pick up on the many footsteps that are slowly approaching from the surrounding forest. Next, we are able to detect a  few familiar scents.

My nostrils flare widely as myself and my wolf get a whiff of a very particular scent.

Great! Somehow, someway Gutter Butter made it out alive and came with some reinforcements.

Not wanting to give them away, my wolf tears our gaze from the forest and zooms in on the one and only Mecca. She becomes our focus point, pushing everything else going on around us to the back of our heads. We can clearly hear her heartbeat as it beats calmly inside her chest.

Mecca has no fear. She feels as if she has won it all. Hmmm, well we shall see about that.

My wolf vision glows brighter as we watch her quietly. She's still standing in the middle of us all, with a wide smirk planted on her face, purposely taunting my wolf.

"Embry, don't," Celine's voice invades my head but she is just a little too late because the next thing the entire crowd sees is my knuckles colliding with the side of their so-called commander's face with such force. It sends her flying backward only to be caught in mid-air by my uncle.

Yes! That's right. We gave her exactly what she's been asking for, a knuckle sandwich.

"Embry,"  growls out my father before roughly grabbing me up by my left upper arm, preventing my wolf from continuing our assault on Mecca. In the same moment, the crowd of howling wolves shifts back to a crowd of angry ones. Their monstrous growls can be heard from miles on top of miles away, but guess what?

I don't give a single crap and neither does my wolf! We've clearly reached our end of patience.

Screw them! Screw her. Screw them all!

"How dare you attack my mate?" question my uncle Maddox, looking shell-shocked.

He then assists his mate with regaining her balance. The booming authority inside of his voice demands an answer. So, my wolf gives him exactly what he wants.

"Whelp, that's simple," she responds without any hesitation. "The bitch got exactly what she deserves,"

My uncle's audible growls bounce off every living thing present like an echo and that's when I feel my brother Ruq's presence as he makes his way a  little closer to me and my father as if he shall protect me against them all. This is when I begin to take in the position of all  The Western Wolves. I didn't realize it before but they are all stationed on the outside of the other pack wolves in a circle.  Actually, the way that they are set in place reminds me of a play straight from my father's defensive tactics training manual.

Captured By A Ruthless Vampire King (Book 2) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora