|39|~The Dispute ~

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Embry POV.

I step into the Demons Kings estate and I feel like I've stepped into an entirely different world. The inside of this house looks completely different from how it appeared to be when we first arrived.

Actually, it appears to be an entirely different house. I mean it is still filled with over a centuries worth of memories and all the vintage antiqued items are still in place.

However, they now appear to be shiny new toys, instead of centuries-old artifacts. So I believe it is safe to say that they have been dusted and cleaned to perfection.

The grand staircase also appear to be different. The lavishly designed stairway
is no longer simply grand. There is still no marble, but the once simple and bare hardwood floors are now shinning, swept, and also appear to be squeaky clean.

In addition, an expensive royal blue and gold thick layered rug now sits directly in front of the staircase, adding a more majestic look to the entire room. The walls have also been re-painted to a magnificent shade of white ivory and redecorated down to the T.

The portraits that once hung on to walls that appeared to be created during another lifetime are now all framed with beautifully carved golden frames and the antique heater that has once sat by the door underneath the staircase has been replaced with a massively grand golden piano.

Wow! These people sure know how to renovate. This place is now fit for a King.

Speaking of which, the Demon King portrait has also been placed to hang in its glory on the wall full of past lives. Needless to say, it is the biggest portrait on the wall and has also been framed with a beautifully carved golden frame of its own.

Just looking at his portrait tells you that he is the king of all kings. There is no doubt about that and I hate it. I also hate how abnormally beautiful he is.

I find myself lost in the portrait of him as I stare into the monster breathtakingly beautiful cerulean eyes. I mean he's no Cyrus, but just like his brother he has been created just to steal hearts, literally.

A single tear-drops begins to form underneath my eyelids as Kaya's gorgeous face appears inside my head. He stole my heart when he took her life.

"Embry," calls out Gutter, as he pulls me up the staircase. "Come on, we have to hurry. The household is getting ready to present themselves,"

Huh! Oh, right! This is the exact moment that I realize that this place is also no longer a ghost town. Not at all. Servants, slaves, and soldiers are everywhere, currently running around like the house is set on fire, and they are desperately attempting to escape the rapidly growing flames. I blink away my tears while following closely behind Gutter and continuing to search my surrounding.

One of the first things that I'm able to do is identify the difference from a slave and servant and if I was human I don't think I would be able to.

For example, female slaves and servants are sorts of dressed alike. They are all wearing one of those black and white uniforms that Abigail had hanging up inside her closet but you can easily identify the difference in entire.

The humans uniform is more revealing and less appropriate than vampire servants. Plus, vampire and humans don't smell anything alike and even if that wasn't enough to identify the difference in species. The fact that the vampire can't help but look my way with glowing red eyes as I move pass one of them says it all. Especially, once their nostrils flare widely, and they get a whiff of my scent. They can smell exactly what I am.

To sum it all up, the main detail that helps me identify the humans from the vampires is the fact that humans can't sense my savage but vampires can.

That's exactly why it doesn't surprise me that the vampires are staring at me like I'm some sort of beast and it also doesn't surprise me that the humans are staring at me like I'm a beauty.

Captured By A Ruthless Vampire King (Book 2) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ