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Cyrus POV.
Speck in media.

Every dog that had the balls to attack my home was put to sleep.

What the fuck else did they expect to happen? Those animals are really starting to be a real pain in my ass.

It has been a little over 24 hours since they have met their maker and my home is still in complete chaos. The media has been here non-stop, asking questions, and drawing attention to the upcoming war.

The lords and lady's that resign in my Kingdom are requesting an audience, claiming that they fear for their bratty ass children safety and to top all of that off Nicklaus is currently on a wild-goose hunt.

So, that leaves me here to clean up the mess and prepare my household for relocation.

Any slave or servant that is still alive and in my possession are in the process of being transported to one of my other estate that's located in Washington D.C.

My aunt, Lady Katherine currently resides there and I'm certain that I'll hear an ear-full of her special curses upon arrival.

She may even place a dagger in my heart.

Aunt Katherine is not a queen but God bless the poor creature that has the balls to tell her that to her face. She is the one of the most powerful immortal women in the world, a real legend among the vampire community.

Every single low household family member loves her. Every respected household family member loves her.

Even the council members have a soft spot for her, including Nicklaus father and trust me when I say that is a big deal. Apollyon doesn't even give his own children the benefit of the doubt. He has done nothing but make their lives a living hell.

But everyone including his beloved knows that Apollyon is a different man when it comes to, Aunt Katherine. They used to have a fling a long time ago but that's a story for another day.

To be quite frank, none of that matters because my aunt has turned her back on the entire vampire society, including me.

She refuses to speak to any of us all because of her bullshit ass holy beliefs.

She believes that human slavery is a complete abomination and that slave owners are nothing but the devil minions.

So, I guess it's safe to say that I have a lot of family issues and I'm not looking forward to my trip to Washington D.C.

Neither are my warriors. They all appear to be on edge.

To be fair, I believe that has more to do with Nicklaus than it has to do with my Aunt Katherine.

His monster has partly taken control. His emotions are at a high time peak and it's all because of her. Claire.

Nicklaus supposed to be Chosen.

Yeah, right! I said it once and I'll say it again. That human girl is most certainly his beloved. Even a blind man can see that.

He craves her presence more than our monsters crave blood and I know exactly how that feels.

When I look at Embry I feel like I'm staring into the eyes of the brightest star.

Her eyes are now my favorite color.

Seeing Embry seconds away from death has done something to me.

I almost went against my King. It took every ounce of my self-control not to attack Nicklaus. My monster wanted his blood.

He wanted to pull out his spine and rip out his heart. If I'm going to be honest with myself, I have to admit that he still does.

I know it sounds fucked up. Nicklaus is my brother without the tie of blood. If anything blood couldn't make us any closer.

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