|76| ~ The Pledge To The She-Wolf~

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Cyrus's POV.

"Either way, I was wrong." Marcellus regains my attention. "We were all wrong and I apologize and value never to wrong you, or my sister ever again,"

"Your sister," I state with caution. Although, now that I'm calm I realize that the royal physician has made himself scarce. He really is a fucking pussy.

"Yes! My sister," Marcellus's voice draws me back in. "Embry is my sister just as much as Claire is my sister just like how you are my brother just as much as Nicklaus is my brother and I will never allow any soul on this earth to harm any of my brother or sister's, not even one of my brother's," he declares with a smile.

"I truly am sorry, brother," he expresses and I have known him long enough to know when his apology is genuine. This is genuine.

"Do you forgive me?" He questions me and I can feel his search for reconnection throughout our bond.

"How could I not," I smirk. "You are my baby bro, Marcellus. All is forgiven."

"And what about me," asks a voice from the opposite side of the room. My neck wastes no time snaping in its direction, or more like his direction, Nicklaus.

He's here.

For a moment, we stand there watching one another, or more like sizing one another up for what seems like forever. Marcellus is the one who decides to break the silence.

"It appears that the two of you have much to discuss. So I'll make myself scarce and give you all a moment alone.'

"Yeah, you do that," Nicklaus states smoothly, and I just nod my head as a response.

"Yeah, I think I will," says Marcellus as he makes his way towards the door. "But, before I go," he pauses a soon as his hand reaches the doorknob. "Nick, I'll have you know that even though I can't beat you physically doesn't mean that I won't whoop your ass mentally if anything happens to my other big brother when I leave this room."

"Is that so," says Nicklaus with a smirk.

"You damn, Skippy," answers Marcellus with an even wider one. "I swear on my life that I'll have that hot a witch that I'm smashing spell your ass, quicker than one can say I do."

"Shut up, Marcellus," growls Nicklaus, finally annoyed.

"Yeah! I'll shut up for the moment, but I'm dead ass serious," Marcellus says with a wink before his eyes fall onto me. "And Cyrus the same goes for you if a single strand of hair has been plucked from out of Nicklaus cool ass head when I leave this room it's abracadabra boom, for you too,"

"Shut up, Marcellus," I growl at the fool as well without breaking eye contact with Nicklaus.

"Cool, I'll shut up for now," the fool states coolly.

"I'll remain quiet throughout my entire stroll to Nicklaus private chamber, but when I get there, I swear that I'll make Claire scream so loud the entire castle shall be teasing her about our game of Marcellus says," the fool says with a wide toothless smirk.

I don't know what the hell he's talking about, but Nicklaus most certainly does because within the next second Marcellus's entire body is dangling off the floor as Nicklaus holds him high into the air by the collar of his shirt.

"I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding," says Marcellus in mock surrender.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, and now, it's my turn to have some fun," growls Nicklaus monster with a roar, making Marcellus gulp.

"What are you going to do to me?" questions Marcellus with wide puppy dog eyes and the fakest innocent voice that I've ever heard.

Meanwhile, here I'm in the bed, trying my hardest not to burst out laughing.

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