|31|~ Mr. Groveler Grovels Good~

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Cyrus POV.
Embry's dream house in media.

The drive to the city of Vancouver, Canada has been an interesting one.

I utilized every single second of the long ass drive to spend time with Embry. To the point that I even drove at a much slower pace than usual just to drag along our arrival.

I hate driving slow. Shit like that irks me to the very end. To be quite honest, I hate driving in general, but I must admit that it was most certainly worth it.

Embry soft lips was curled into a soft smile the entire time. And if that wasn't enough the sound of hearing her adorable giggles surely was. Oh, and her blush. Oh, boy that blush of hers made me almost crash whenever I would try to just glance in her direction.

So, like I said before that slow ass drive was certainly worth it.

I guess my aunt was right about one thing, "Patience is a virtue,"

I also utilized our time together to get to know Embry a little better. At first, she was reluctant, which was expected with her being the shy little wolf that she is, but it didn't take long for me through her barrier.

I've always been the one whose able to bring another side out of people, rather it's their bad side or good. Either way, I know exactly what to say to people to get information out of them and if words don't work. One of my other methods will. Trust me!

But that's a story for another day. Back to what I was saying, I learned a lot about my sunshine in the last past four hours and I plan to use everything that I learned about Embry to sweep off her feet.

Starting right now, we're currently on the way to one of my residents in Vancouver. I have a few here but I know that my estate in the middle of North Shore Mountains shall completely blow Embry away. After, Embry expressed her dream house to me I mind-linked with one of my men and demanded for them to build a connected tree house to my estate. We got a day or so to waste and I plan to take full advantage of it.

Nicklaus has contacted my men and advised that he has run into a little hiccup. Apparently, the pack of mutts once again have reached out to another pack of mutts and a pack of wolves, which triples their numbers by a long shoot. So one of our armies are on the way there in this exact moment. I was surprised when the head of my security detail, Gutter  reached out to me and explained the current situation at hand.

Nicklaus barely ever utilize our armies. He's the type that likes to get his hands bloody. Plus, utilizing one of our defense means that he is going in with full forces, which is something he rarely does. His actions will most certainly arouse suppression if it gets back to the council. That's exactly why I requested permission to wage war in the first place.

I don't have time for the council prejudice bullshit and neither does Nicklaus.

Nicklaus and his father are already at odds. This war will cause more conflict between the two of them but obviously Nicklaus doesn't give a fuck. I guess he meant it when he said that he will kill anyone to keep Claire safe and honestly I can't blame him.

If I was him I would eliminate the pack of mutts as well.

"I take it back when I said that I don't want to live in the City," says Embry, as I help her get out of the car.

I knew that she was going to say that, but little does she know that riding thru the city was just the beginning.

We have finally reached the mountain top and I can't wait to see how she reacts to the surprise that I have in store for her.

"I knew that you would say that," I respond with a wicked smirk.

Embry blushes as usual. She loves my smirk.

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