|11|~We're not in Kansas anymore~

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Embry POV.
Embry's furry little friend in media.

My heart pounds louder with every step I take. I feel like I'm in a dream walking down a yellow brick road, on the path to a magical land filled with unlimited possibilities.

I'm afraid and excited all in one. The sound of a twig snapping for what seems like the millionth time makes my heart skip a beat.

"Hello," I call out as my eyes scan my surroundings. Once, again I'm greeted with nothing but silence. "Come out! Come out, whoever you are," I pretend to be brave. Voice tone is everything, remember. Maybe the low tone of my voice will scare whatever animal it is away. It has to be an animal following me.

I know it is and how do I know this. Well, because it's simple. It's called the process of elimination.

For starters, if it was a vampire I would have long dead. A vampire would have attacked without asking any questions. If that's not enough persuasion the key fact that werewolves are able to detect any vampire presence plunged my theory. All wolves can feel a vampire presence even if we can't pinpoint their exact location.

Werewolves are also predators. We know how to sense a threat.

Unless the vampire is a strong one and the last time I checked the strongest vampire in this continent happens to be my mate. It's no way that he would have allowed me to make it this far if he was following or watching me. No way! So for now a lurking vampire is crossed off my which dangerous predator is following Embry list. Keyword, For Now!

Next up on my which dangerous predator is following Embry list would have to be a rapid rogue... A rabid rogue is a mentally ill wolf who has completely lost its human way.

Rogues wolves are all animals. They are considered to be stray wolves who roam the forest, constantly searching for their next victim. They are not! I repeat not anything like a regular rogue werewolf.

Rapid rouges are considered to be extremely dangerous. Pack wolves are taught to steer clear of all rogues in general and handle any outside wolf with caution. However, our superiors stretch the fact that if we stumble upon a stray rogue alone that we do one thing and one thing only. We are taught to run as fast as we can manage and not to fight unless it's our last resort. Everyone knows that if you have to fight a rogue wolf the fight will be to the death.

There are no exceptions! Not even for a Wilde Wolf.

With that being said, I believe it's safe to say that I could cross a rapid rogue following me off my list as well!

Finally, on my which dangerous predator is following Embry list would have to be a werewolf who's lost inside of their own wolf. A lost wolf!

This happens if a werewolf denies their inner beast the opportunity to shift when need be. Their wolves will fight for control and if the human loses. We're lost forever.

A lost wolf is the most dangerous predator in the entire world.

A lost wolf only can see, hear, smell, and feel one thing and that's to kill. That's it! That's all! No one knows how a wolf becomes a lost wolf. It's an extremely rare situation. All I know is that there have even been cases when the wolf took full control of their human form for the rest of their lives.

If a lost wolf was following me, I wouldn't be here making a list at all. I'll be dead. No one is strong enough to take on a lost wolf. No one.

My eyes scan the area again while my sensitive ears detect another sound of movement on my left. I take a deep whiff of the fresh winter's air. My follower is a small animal. It must be a rabbit or another small creature.

Captured By A Ruthless Vampire King (Book 2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now