|13|~His Rules ~

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Embry POV.

The words, "Abducted fucking reject," play over and over inside of my head like a broken spinning record.

I'm feeling broken down and done. My emotions are just everywhere, spiraling all out of control. I'm afraid. I've never been this afraid in my life. My chest hurt. My heart feels like broken glass inside of my chest.

Every part of my body hurts including, my arms, legs, hands and feet. They hurt the worst, feeling like dead weight. My entire body is under the influence of pain.

I close my eyes and force myself to deal with it. In my time of weakness I must show strength. That's what my family would want. They would want me to be strong.

I'm a Wilde Wolf. We are brave. We are the strongest amongst our kind. My family says that all the time. So, why do I feel so weak?

And why can't I stop the tears from rolling down my face? I don't want to eat, speak, or sleep.

All I can do is sit here and cry and ask myself why? Why me? Visions of my loved ones different face start to surface. All of my memories!

All of them are nothing now but memories. There nothing but history.

How did I get myself in this mess? How? I just need to lie down. I need to calm myself, cry and lie down.

That's exactly what I do. I lie down, continue to cry my heart out and question myself, for only goddess knows how long.

 I came to the conclusion that it may be in my best interest to at least try to make the best out of my situation

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I came to the conclusion that it may be in my best interest to at least try to make the best out of my situation.

There is no point in continuously crying over spilled milk. I lost my family but I still have my mate, even if he doesn't want me. I still want him. Obviously I'm insane because I still want him. I know he rejected me but he is my mate. Who wants a half of soul when you can have a whole?

He's all I have now. Cyrus may not want me right now, but he will come around eventually. We are destined to be together. We will work it out. I just have to believe in that.

I got a strange feeling that Cyrus feeling doesn't match his hurtful words. Cyrus just needs some time. Call me crazy if you must but that's how I feel. He's not made out of glass, like I am but I can see right through him.

He's just angry. Werewolves and vampires are strangely more alike than they would like to believe. Were all hurt and hurt people hurt people.

Cyrus maybe a big and bad vampire king, but he still is a person. Underneath his tough layer lies a man with a story. We all have a story and I'm set on figuring out his. I'm almost certain that his hatred for my species steams from some type of lost and deeply influenced pain.

He needs someone to love and understand him. I'll be that person. I'll be his salvage and his solace. I put that on my life that I'll give him the balance that he needs.

Captured By A Ruthless Vampire King (Book 2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now