|50|~Deep Trouble~

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Embry POV.
King Marcellus in media 😻


"Your aunt," I question him, "If she's your aunt that would make her some type of Queen right? Why wouldn't she rely on housekeepers? I mean I was led to believe that all higher status vampires bask in the glory of having a lavish lifestyle,"

"My aunt is not a queen but May God bless the poor creature who tells her that and most vampire ladies do bask in the glory of having a lavish lifestyle, but they are not my aunt. She's special," he tells me. Hmm, she sounds interesting.

"How so? Tell me all about her,"

"Go sit and eat first," he advises after he finally finishes cleaning up the wine that he split. I still can't believe that Cyrus the Ruthless vampire King is cleaning up his mess just because he didn't want me to do it. "Now, Sunshine," he demands while pointing to the seat. It tickles me pink how worried he is about my well-being.

"Yes, Sire," I tease with a giggle before placing a simple kiss down onto his cheek, causing my entire face to heat up. I'm so pathetic. How am I blushing when I'm the one who decided to kiss him?

Cyrus's lips form into a soft smile as he takes in my colorful face and then puckers up his lips to give me a kiss. Then out of nowhere a sudden jolt of electricity snaps throughout our body, shocking me to the very core with such force it almost knocks me down onto the floor. Cyrus spears me the embarrassment by reaching out his arm just in time to catch me.

"What was that," I question while attempting to catch my breath. Good, Goddess! It feels like the Goddess herself came down from heaven gates just to strike me. That power. It's so foreign but yet it is so familiar. I can feel it running through my very veins even though I know that it's not my own but yet it still feels like I have access to it.

"Marcellus," announces Cyrus, looking very annoyed. Who's that? He can't be the source of whatever the hell I just experienced. Could he?

"Who's that," I question him right before an unfamiliar but somewhat very familiar scent invades my nostrils.

The source smells fresh and clean, like fresh linen straight from out of the dryer back at one of the Pack houses.

My nostril flares widely as I take in the scent followed by a figure coming this way. Gutter Butter is following very closely behind him with glowing red eyes.

Cyrus's posture goes stiff as he turns around to meet the newcomer head-on. My mate looks dangerous. His beautiful but yet strong and intimidating face appears to be masked, unreadable but I can easily tell that he is on guard. Why? Who is this guy? I'm unable to determine if this newcomer is a friend or foe.

"Brody, I'm home," announces the figure as he walks through the kitchen door. So, he is a friend.

My mate places his entire frame in front of me, preventing any eye contact from happening between me and the newcomer.

"Why the fuck is you here, Marcellus," hostilely questions Cyrus, and anyone with eyes can see that he is pissed. Okay so maybe he's not a friend. So who is he? My hands grip onto the back of Cyrus's shirt as I stretch out my neck to take a look at the new arrival.

I look up just in time to catch him strutting into the kitchen with such confidence, walking like he is the man of the hour. This is the first thing I notice, the aura surrounding him radiates nothing but cocky confidence.

The second thing which really should've been the first thing I notice is how good he looks. He is a devastatingly handsome vampire. Tall and bodybuilder frame with vivid green eyes that reminds me of fresh grass that grows back in the Eastern Pack territory during early spring. Plus, he has a face like Adonis, or at least he looks like how I imagine the Greek God Adonis should look like.

Captured By A Ruthless Vampire King (Book 2) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora